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Akia woke up with the persistent nauseating burn of hunger in her gut. A high blood like herself only knew hunger as a means of protest has never felt such bubbling pain before. Even in her protests she was never left hungry.

Everytime she swore a hunger strike her parents would resist for hours, she'd miss lunch and breakfast with a pouty face but by dinner they would've given in.
Giving her what she wanted whilst calling her a brat and feeding her well.

"My queen, it's been 3 days and she hasn't eaten." Brenda said before opening the door to the queen and her maids. The queen's red hair is to her waist today, decorated only by her large gold crown. Her skin pale and her eyes a striking bright blue. she's wearing a beautiful peach cream with a square neckline with a pretty diamond necklace.

The 2 other maids in the room bow to her.
"My Queen" They said cheerfully.

Akia pretends to be asleep. She doesn't have the energy to bow to her.

As Akia laid hoping the queen would get what she was looking for and leave.
She felt a small hand in her shoulder, she turns around and the queen is standing there looking down at her.
She sits up and bows slowly.
The queen gives her a small smile.

"I brought lunch, please eat with me." She said gracefully and the smell of many different delicious foods enter the room.
Akia felt pressured, as she's handed eating utensils.
The queen gets a clothed napkin and placed it on Akia's lap. A maid came and placed a very large pillow on the carpeted floor opposite Akia and then held the queen's hand so she could sit down.

"I heard the king uprooted you from your home, it must've been a shock." The queen said pouring Akia some tea.
"It's delicious, a new blend of lemony black tea with strawberry and pomegranate." The queen said and held the cup for Akia to take. Akia's hands are shaking and she's sure that she'll spill the tea if she takes it but she also can't decline a cup from royalty, especially when they were being kind.

The queen noticed her shaky hands and walked over to her side of the table and placed the porcelain tea cup in front of her.

"You know it's completely undignified for a woman of your status to not eat in front of company. Not only does it degrade your family's class but you're showing weakness." The queen says calmly, every word making Akia feel worse. All the feelings of hunger  she felt easily disappeared.

The queen began eating, everything pleasant and quiet. Akia takes a bread roll and places it on her plate before dissecting it.
"Do try the eggs, they're very satisfying today." The queen said and Akia says nothing once more.

The queen finishes eating while Akia sips on tea.
"I understand you must feel very powerless in this situation. I suggest that you submit to that powerlessness. I do not know where your outrage stems from, my king has never been known to be without consideration besides He did not ask for your father's head, so I find it very difficult to understand why you are acting as you are." The queen said before a maid presented her with a bowl to wash her hands with.
"I'll leave the rest for you." The queen said before being helped up and walking out.

Akia doesn't eat the queen's food, the tea she had drank sat uncomfortably in her stomach. They take her to the wash room after and she doesn't protest as they scrubbed her clean. All the color had drained out of her face, leaving a ghastly reflection of what once was.

She lays wordlessly, staring away from the 3 maids who seemed to share the room with her.

Akia woke up in a room she wasn't familiar with. Her body shakes when she looks up to see the royal doula and her maids once more.

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