Moon bound

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Recap; last chapter Eleanor and Akia talked about her place in the palace if she successfully gives birth to the sun king, Asuka aka Apollo (the siren who wants to steal a magical stone hidden inside Akia) meets the king and they share a kiss.

Mina could attest to the fact that the queen was in a foul mood. She was barely standing still. Her body was shaking and her eyebrows stayed furrowed. She looked so angry that the two maids in her large chambers stood tall with straight backs and steady legs.

"You're not kidding?, you really saw the majesty kiss some common whore?" She growled, her anger was so evident.

"I believe her name was Asuka, she's in the pageant." Ophelia said and the queen starts trembling, her expression twisting into one of pure rage.

"He promised me... promised me that no matter what I'D BE THE ONLY ONE!, HE PROMISED HE'D NEVER HUMILIATE ME, FIRST HE BRINGS A DEGENERATE INTO MY PALACE AND THEN HE PULLS THIS-" The queen began screaming, it was a full bellow of pain and Mina couldn't believe her eyes as the furniture around the queen begins levitating, her long red hair and heavy king sized oak wood bed and mattress included.

All Mina heard was a gasp coming from the room before she sees Ophelia's eyes turn to her. Before she could speak the heavy door slams shut with a loud pound. she lets out a gush of air. Her heart pounding against her rib cage.

"Mina right?"

Mina turns to a Kings guard, she's shivering, her legs quivering as the events replayed in her mind.
"Hello?, I wanted to ask if you could sneak me into Akia's room."
Mina's vision cleared up enough to recognize the man as Clast Kenya.
The dark skinned man stared at her curiously as she shook the tray of a tea accessories.

"Are you alright?" Clast asked and Mina nods.
"I can't take you to Akia, I'm working for the queen for the rest of the pageant." Mina said avoiding eye contact with the guard.
Clast coughs and then laughs hysterically.

"Oh my goddess, it's you isn't it?" Clast asked and Mina raised an eyebrow, her hands trembling some more.
"You're the maid that was accused of forcing yourself on another mai-" Clast said, Mina blushes bright red.
"Must you always be so unbearable all the time?" A deep voice said behind Clast and both him and Mina are startled by it.

"Michael?" Clast asked, surprised that the missing kings guard had just spontaneously returned just like that.
"Clast." Michael said turning to the shorter man.
"Harassing another young lady I see, nothing's changed since my break." Michael said and Clast glared at him.
"When did you get approved for a break?" Clast asked and Michael turned towards him.

"You May have been too busy planning to throw another family member under the king to notice I turned in my notice."

Clast angryly grabbed the taller man's body armor bringing him to his slightly shorter frame.
"She forgave me." He hissed. Staring into Michael's lifeless green eyes.

"Is that what helps you sleep at night?" He asked his eyes glaring into Clast's all the same.

"I'm going to go now." Mina said rushing off.
Clast follows behind her with Michael hot on his trail.
"Look I'm sorry about earlier, I should've never mentioned such a hideous scandal. I just need to see my sister, I have something very special to give her." Clast said and Mina sighs and turns to Clast.
"Look, I get her breakfast tomorrow. If you meet me in the morning I can sneak you into her chambers." Mina said turning to him.

Michael walks over to her and raises a hand, Mina curls under it.
Abuse from kings guards towards maids wasn't unheard off in the palace.
He grabs a strand of her hair and pulls it from the rest to look at it much more closer. He sees a shiver stand on the bottom of the strand.

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