Vocabulary and background

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Definitions/ will include more as I continue exploring ideas.

Southern woman/man: someone of darker skin complexion and thick tightly curled hair.
Person doesn't even have to be from the south. Mostly used for black people.

Eastern woman/man: Asian men and women, also includes Arabs as well.

Fun fact: The royal doula is an eastern woman, that's why Akia said she couldn't recognize her features in the 3rd chapter.

The Sun king: is a child given to the earth by 'the sun'.

The sun is thought of as a goddess, and the sun itself does have a physical being that isn't a bright burning yellow ball. But it won't ever really be introduced cause it's really not even important to the story.

The moon king: is a child given to the earth by the moon.
Literally already my favorite character and I haven't even written him yet. I love villains.

The earth guilders : human and environmental protection agents who were created in the earth tree by the earth's spirit.

Fun fact: Earth guilders are not human and generally can't be killed, they regenerate from even just a dead skin fleck. If you can manage to destroy everything down to blood splats and dead skin cells. Congratulations you win.. until another is generated.

sirens are demons created by a Vengeful goddess who had been Cheated on by her lover. Sirens are linked closely with what we call demons because of the goddess's marriage with who we refer to as the devil. She became very enraged at men who would flirt carelessly and were too sexually active. So she created a snake like being who'd seduce and eat men who were morally lose.

pure blood Sirens Are able to shape shift into multiple kinds of snakes.
As well as being able to release pheromones capable of seducing and entrapping anyone near.

Heighten senses (sight, scent, taste and smell).
They can live under water for 3 weeks a minute longer and they will die.

Drowning and burning at the only ways to kill a siren.

-sirens are genderless and only reflect your wants sexually when it comes to their gender defining anatomy.

They can consume a human's essence, all of their strength in one bite.

Similarly to vampires they drink blood and possess long snake like fangs when feeding.

Feasting on human blood is a snack to them while sucking out their essence and leaving them dead is how they feed and stay alive.

The drowning Protocol:
(Invented by the General worship)

The drowning protocol in preparation for siren invasion is based on the idea that a human's essence is in their blood. When the drowning protocol is in affect often permitted to by the water king and the king.
citizens of villages are expected to temporarily drown themselves in order to dilute their blood.
because of the temporary lack of oxygen as well as with the water king's powers, the water they ingest will remain in their blood stream without causing harm.

The temporary lack of oxygen in their system can help withstand the essence stealing venom of a siren bite and can keep you safe for up to 24 hours.

However, many people have died from this protocol alone. Most go unreported.

Selas: The king of the moon's side.

Witches: women who possess moon spirit (magic)

Unfruitful birth: a miscarriage

Mistake of birth: someone born with birth defects.



Remember how in history class they said that like millions of years ago the plates under the earth shook and all of a sudden regions separated and became their own continents and stuff?, yeah that doesn't happen or hasn't here yet.

I know you're like how come the people have race differences then, if technically everyone's in the same region, some are north and south of the equator still and also because when this gets adapted into a show I want #representation. Let me live my life.

Anyhow, a little over 60 years ago in the story's timeline. There were vampires preying on human villages and farms, werewolves spending ruts raping and then enslaving women, witches going rampage continuing to create strange creatures with strange behaviors and taste that seemed too ungodly. Sirens manipulating men into sexual situations where they'd then steal their statutes and their souls.
The human side was rapidly speeding into extinction from all the death and slavery.

When the next king (current king) stepped into the throne (20 years ago, he saw first hand the epidemic and destruction the moon creatures were creating. He was disturbed and angry, the witches were only humans before they started to perform horrific acts to the moon to gain favor. Once they were granted the moon's spirit they set off to create all the other heathens.

Waking up dead corpses, mixing human blood with the blood of an animal, mixing human blood with the blood of some devilish underwater snake, some even mixed human blood with dinosaur blood to create horrific mutated human dinosaur child.

The witches had gone insane with the power and oh did the moon love it.
The bastard was finally in control.

The king wasn't having it.
He himself being of unknown witch and siren blood. Started creating traps for witches, he succeeded with strong, crafty and determined humans. He rounded almost all of them by inviting witches to the palace for a human blood feast, then using other witches who wanted to help to set them on fire.

With the moon's power source down the rest were easy to handle.
The king and about 4 hundred thousand men head into towns and killed most of the moon's creatures that remained.
Only about 20 of the king's men remained alive.

The witches who had been kind enough to lend their powers created wolves bane, made it so vampires couldn't come inside houses uninvited or walk out in the sunlight, they trapped sirens under the sea to be punished by the watergod for their sins and then they created a dome. A dome separating the moon's creatures from the humans.

Years later a foundation against moon creatures were built.

But then Selas the moon's physical body comes to the earth and starts creating witches again. Prophecy says that when selas comes to the earth, the earth will come to an end and that only the sun king will be able to challenge that ending.

That's where we are at now.

Any questions?

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