The search 2

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"Morning your highness." Mina bowed
"Morning, where's Juliet?, why are you here in her stead?"

"Her cycle circled around sire." Mina and the king looks away for a second.

"Since when did she start to leave her post because of petty things?" The king asked and Mina trembled a lot. The king was obviously very distressed, it was very obvious with the frown on his face.

"She was in a lot of pain. she said she'd be back before dawn to prepare you for the last phrase."

"No matter, if she really needs the time to herself then it's not a problem but I wanted you to remain with Akialine. You're the only one that can make her eat." The king said and Mina smiles uncomfortably.

"Her servants are getting good at it too." Mina lies.
"I'd like a bath. Something very cold, I've been feeling a heavy weight on my chest since last night."

He can feel it.

"Should I call the doctor sire?"
"No, it's not a physical condition perhaps a maiden talented with her hands?" The king said and Mina listens intently.

"Of course your majesty." Mina bows before walking backwards out of his sight.
She had been holding in her breath this whole time, she can finally breathe.

"Where is she Mother?"

The old woman laughs.
"You come into my house and dare to raise a sword at me?"

"I am a royal guard my job is to serve the king and this kingdom. Akia is the property of the palace now. She must be returned there At once."

"She's not- She's not at the palace?" The woman said clenching on to her chest.
Clast could see the genuine fear in her eyes.

"She's not here." He says to the other guards.
They back out of the house and out of the property.

The head servant watches them leave, once the gate has been closed behind them. He turns to his mistress.

"Is she still in the barn?" Lady Kenya asked and he nods.
"Do Whatever it takes to keep her hidden, that's the only way to save this kingdom." The woman said and the servant obeys.

Lady Kenya downs her tea and then looks out the window. The barn in her eye sight. She smirks to herself.
"What a smart girl."

Juliet runs with the hounds. They all pulled her forward faster and faster as the scent they were chasing became even fresher.

They were trained to do this to moon creatures who could easily hide and imitate their own scents so a human girl who has been bathe in nothing but exotic scents and oils was a piece of cake to them.

Juliet feels herself running out of breath but she knew better than to stop. Lives depend on finding that girl, whether it's tomorrow or days into the future. They need her.

The hounds start to slow down and Juliet starts to panic a little thinking they had lost track of the scent until she makes contact with a baby deer.

The hounds start to pull from their leashes with great force so Juliet lets them go. All three start growling at the deer but the deer pays them no mind. Juliet walks closer to the deer stunned by its unnatural behavior when introduced to a predator.

She walks all the day to its side and the deer makes a movement, it turns to look at her.
The side of the deers face had completely been removed and he didn't seem to be in any pain at all.


She turns away from the deer and pulls the hounds away from it as well.
Whatever was wrong with that deer was not a natural occurrence in nature, nothing the sun had a hand in.

The hounds bring her into a barn and she tries to pull them away. Why didn't she think to bring meat? She asked herself trying so hard to pull the hounds away.
"One chicken, just one. I'm sure the farmer won't mind losing just one chicken." Juliet speaks to the dogs.

She opens the door to the barn and hears a small gasp.
There's a human in here.

"Trespassing on property such as this can be grounds for an execution" she says taking out her knife.

"I'm not trespassing." A small voice said and Juliet rolls her eyes.
"Why don't we go and ask the owner that."

Akia thinking the voice was from one her many servants in the house stood up, revealing her identity to the enemy.

A gasp left her lips when she sees Juliet.
"Peekaboo princess." Juliet said and walks towards the girl.

She grabs a forceful hold on Akia's wrist pulling her along with her as they take a shortcut to the palace.
"I'm not sure how you got out but let me be the first to tell you that it'll never happen again." Juliet said and Akia whimpers.

The hounds pass by the same deer again this time Juliet is surprised by the eerie silence.

"Let's go cupcake, don't want to miss the queen mother's birthday now do we?"

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