Grave mistake

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"I have to follow her father, I must make sure that she remains safe." Donovan said to his father.

"You can't be serious, what about when you rut, what do you think will happen when you feel the animalistic instinct to mate and destroy." His father said voice almost bitter with concern.

"I-I can control it, I can." Donovan said his voice strong hoping to persuade his father.

"She's a human, if she dies in an unnatural way the king will be on our tail we can't have that here. This is a salvation we built with sweat and blood. So many sacrifices were made for this place to exist."
"Father I'll never let it get back here I promise if I make a mistake I'll hang for my sins myself."

"Donovan what's gotten into you?, what does this human girl have that makes you so willing to sacrifice your safety for her."
"I imprinted father."

April woke up in a small hut, her eyes widen when she sees the man she saved looking down on her, completely healthy. She suddenly remembers her mission and her sister and decides to stand up despite her throbbing skull.

"I have to g-go." She said getting from the low mattress.
"Chief Vernon said that you hit your head and you'll need to stay in bed for a couple of days."

"I have to go to my father, my sister's in trouble."
"I know, you said it quite a bit in your sleep."
Donovan said with a dazzling smile on his face.

"I have to go now." April said and Donovan's smile dropped.
"I should go with you." He said hoping the girl would say yes.

"No you should stay here and recover."
"But I've already recovered, please let me come. Please please."

April was a little taken aback by his childish behavior but shakes her head neither the less.

"I won't cause you any trouble I promise." The man said and April stands up with a hand on her head. She grabs her sword that's been laid next to her in the bed.

Stumbles out of the cabin to see a group of men just watching her.

This must be the injured man's community.
Something felt off to her but she greeted them anyway, thanked them for their help and started looking for her horse.

"I have more food for your horse, but you can only have them if you let me travel with you."

Charlie was a good horse, April couldn't let him starve.

Michael stirs the boiling pot, he had tested almost every poison known to man.

From mercury to poison ivy and couldn't quite find the poison that the queen ate.

He'd even gone back to the scene and gotten the soup bowl she had eaten from and tested that as well.

The poison was gone from there as well, it was just a regular bowl of soup.

Michael would have to report to the council about this, something was definitely in play here.

Akia rans into the lush garden, so many bright colorful flowers adorned the place.

She searched for her favorites and then saw a beautiful rose bush on top of a stone built.

She climbs on top of the smaller plant setting and stands on top of dirt to reach for the red roses.

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