The stock flower

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Akia coughed, before rolling over and throwing up all over her floor. She groaned at the pain pulsating through her stomach.

"Ju-Julius w-wake up." Akia said her eyes watering at the intensity of the pain in her stomach.

"Lady?" Julius said groaning as he's hit with the intense smell of mercury.
"I have to visit the physician." Akia said still breathing in and out heavily.

"its alright lady, pregnant women go through things like this all the time.. its alright just relax and I'll get this cleaned up right away."

"Julius- I really don't think that's-" she bends over the bed again spilling everything in her gut over the white fur on the ground.

"Here, let's give you a wash and then I'll take you out side to the gardens for fresh air." Julius said lifting Akia up from the bed and rushing her out of her chamber.

The king who had woken up early to discuss Laws with general worship watched as the man carried a limp Akia out of her chambers.

"What's going on there?" The king asked Clast who eyed the two figures.
A man named winton approached them to say.

"Your majesty, Michael left this morning. Without notice or permission." Winton said but the king waved him off, Eyes still focused on the man running into the bath house with Akia in his arms.

The king's fist curled as he waited for the man to departure from the bathhouse.

"Where are the maids in this place?!" The king shouted and a swarm of women who were following behind the court lady to greet the king all bowed before him.

"Why is there a guard in there bathing Akia ?" The king questioned.

"Your majesty, Akia doesn't bath until late noon every day." The court lady said bowing herself.

"Is that so?, then it must be very apparent that my eyes are deceiving me." The king said, the king turns to general worship.

"Worship did you not also see that guard carrying Akia into the wash room?" The king questioned the long white bearded man.

"I saw such an infelicitous act as well." The man said startling the court lady who then lifted her dress and walked back towards the bath house.

As she was about to enter, Julius walked out.

The king's jaw clenched but he doesn't turn until he sees the court lady slap Julius across the face.

"If you see Our lady naked she'll be beaten to a pulp and unfit for the king. How could you be so careless?!" The court lady spit out pushing passed the man to see Akia sitting in the tub with her dress still on.

"No man aside from the king is allowed to enter this bathhouse." Juliet said eying the guard up and down.

"where'd they get such an ill-mannered guard from." Another maid said as they all entered the bath house.

Julius walked passed them only to look up and see the king. He bows, the king turns away from him walking away.

Julius turns to walk back into the chamber. Once he's in he sees Hazel looking at the dark liquid Akia has purged all over the fur.
"What is this?" She asks as lifts her head to see Julius staring down at her.

"Ink. Can't you tell?" Julius said with a small humor to his voice.
"Ink?, What's ink doing in Lady Akia's room?" Hazel asked, eyes narrowing at the guard.
"She wanted me to write her mother and father a letter." Julius said smoothly.

Hazel pouts and grabs her hair bun in frustration. " Ink is really hard to get off fur" Hazel said her cheeks puffed up as she stares at the spot.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it myself just go to the court lady and ask for another." Julius said and the girl nods cautiously.

Julius sets a fire and throws the fur into it, smelling the scent of burning bear meat as he did so. "The white bear from the north had once draped the floors of our young mistress's room, oh what luxury." He said before bending over and fanning the fire.

Akia enters the room, fully dressed with freshly washed and braided down hair. She stumbles into the room feeling nauseous with every step she took.

She goes to lay down on her bed but Julius takes her hand, pulling her up much to her dismay.
"I have to lay down-" Akia said feeling copious amount of saliva flood her mouth.

"Fresh air, you need fresh air." Julius said wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her outside of her chamber.

He walks her over to the garden with guards looking at them questionably.
Julius placed her down on a stone near the sunflowers.

"Do you know anything about sunflowers?" Julius asked attempting to distract akia from the trance she was in. Akia bends over and spits out all the saliva that had been in her mouth.
She gasp feeling the relief as she wipes her mouth. Julius hands her his handkerchief and she accepts gratefully.

"Do you know anything about sunflowers?" The guard asked Akia who took the handkerchief away from her mouth.
"They mean warmth, adoration and longevity, they follow the sun. Basking in all the warmth she gives." Akia recited as if the words had been imprinted into her mind.
"What do Chrysanthemum mean?" Julius asked. Akia smiled thinking back to when her mother used to ask her these questions.

"Loyalty and love." Akia answers immediately. Getting excited as they spoke more about her favorite things.

"Innocence and purity." Akia answers jumping down from where she was seated, wincing a little at the pain in her foot, she'd barely managed to hide from the maids earlier in her bath.

Akia stroked the soft petals of a Rose, feeling the life from the beautiful plant. Akia noticed the plant's bushes's stem start to fall and she frowns haven't seen it tall and lively just moments before.

She feels arms around her waist spinning her around until she was planted on the chest of her guard.

She gasped but can't move back because of the tight grip on her waist.
"Let's not touch the flowers. The gardener might have a hard time." Julius said and Akia nodded feeling her breath get stuck on how close the man was to her.

"What flower symbolizes beauty?" Julius asked lifting Akia's face until it met his. He stares into her eyes and when she tries to turn, to look somewhere other than the two dark brown orbs she finds herself being guided back to them.

She blushes at the intensity of his stare.
"The stock, the stock flower-" she said hoping he'd let her go.
"Wrong." Julius said and Akia's eyes widened.

"Wrong?" She questioned.
"Wrong, the flower that symbolizes beauty is you." Julius said his eyes leaving her eyes to drift down to her lip.

The king who had just walked into the garden with two guards behind him froze. His fist ball up and his blue eyes turn black as he noticed the scene in front of him.

"Take him. TAKE HIM TO THE EXECUTION STAND!, NOW!" He yells and the ground underneath them start to shake.

Akia jumps away from Julius only to see that guards had grabbed him and had started dragging him out of the garden.
The king turned and followed them.

Akia begins to run after them with the throbbing in her leg and the swishing of water in her uncomfortable stomach.

She stops when she she feels water at her throat again, forcing its way out of her.

Once it started it refused to stop.

Kingly Desire (BWWM) (on hiatus)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें