Impending war

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"Akia Kenya, this is not about you. We have no problem with you and your kind but your mother took and lost something that was ours. You have to understand that you are not our enemy." The woman, lassandria said and was about to snap her neck when a girl appeared in front of them. Akia struggles against the hold on her body but it's futile. The woman holding her doesn't even budge.

"Took you long enough to make your attack. I waited so long that I ended up winning a crown." Asuka said picking up the gold crown on her and tossing it to the ground.

"This didn't about you snake."Lassandria
Growled voice low and dangerous. She attempts to snap Akia's neck once more but the siren wasn't having it.

A long tail extends from their mouth, extending until it grabs the woman throat, snatching her off the floor and away from Akia who crawls away from the disturbing imagery.

She was about to crawl away into the darkness when a sword appeared in front of her. she gasps and attempts to move away but the sword lifted up getting to ready to slice her in half.

In a blink of an eye though the other woman had slammed into the one holding the sword.

There was a loud growl that left both of the women.
And then they started chanting in a foreign language. Akia felt strange like she was melting into the floor she tried to move her arms and legs but she can't.

"We don't fuck with your kind, but we were fools to think that you'd extend the same curtesy." The woman growled before levitating off the floor. Akia couldn't breathe. Her jaw dropped down and she was finding it very difficult to keep her eyes open.

"You should've known better to expect any kind of curtesy From a siren." The other woman said before elongating her sword and charging towards the siren who sprouted more snake tails on the side of their body. The tail slaps the woman into the brick wall of the throne room. The woman struggles against the tail that was actively crushing her body against the wall.

The woman with the sword successfully cuts off the tail and Asuka's tail retreated and thick black blood gushes out of it. Asuka doesn't even acknowledge pain from the cut instead another tail comes springing out right from the one that's been cut off. This is distracting enough for the woman to look at before another tall heads straight for her head. It wraps around her head and quickly snaps it clean off. Leaving her on the floor bleeding.

Akia gasps softly as the levitating other woman let's out a cry before chanting
Foreign words once more.

The woman who had fallen on the floor with her head on the other side of her begins to hyperventilate with her discarded blood sinking back into her body as well as the skin of her absent head starts to elongate and draw it back to her neck.

The siren acted quickly, picking up the head with its tail and tossing it fair over the palace wall.

"Go fetch." The siren said before their tails begin sinking into their skin.

The levitating woman stops the spell, halls off the body of the other woman and begins levitating away.

Akia falls to the floor. She crawls away from the girl.
"Are you alright?" The siren asked and Akia whimpers in response.

"Lady Akialine, I sensed trouble." The witch doctor appeared from the darkness.
"If it was up to you to save her she would've been dead by now." The siren said crossing their arms and legs.
"I'm an old man, not as agile as I used to be." The witch doctor said getting to his knees and helping Akia off the floor.

"Y-you know this creature?" Akia asked and the witch doctor laughed.
"Calling Your savior a creature is a bit rude don't you think?" The witch doctor said and Akia gives the siren side eye as she's raised off the floor by the witch doctor.

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