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Akia stands up, stumbling as she does. Her vision was only clearing up now after she had thrown out almost everything in her stomach.

She walks passed her chambers, with no guards in sight, she walks passed the queen's chambers with no guards inside and then the palace hall with no guards either. The whole palace was silent as if all life had been wiped out. The emptiness left a ringing in her ear.

Akia walked until she saw the tall execution building. As high as it stood, from the many souls trapped in its walls. Many guards stood in front and they all bowed as she walked inside.

Two guards open the grandiose gates into the court.

Akia watched as Julius got chained.
blood was dropping down his mouth along with saliva. His eyes were purple yellow and swollen.

The king on the other side of the room wielding the sun's sword. A sword legend wrote to be capable of stealing the soul of every one unfortunate enough to come in contact with it.

The sun's sword has only ever been held by the kings of their nation, some say only the blood of the royals could touch the icy hot blade and live another day.

"Your hands were found lingering around a waist that didn't belong to you but to our king. Do you a mere servant of our highness think you can sit in the same chair as him much less eat from the same plate placed before him?. How dare the common man incite such fiery exasperation inside our king" official worship said and Julius shivered at the grave pitch of his voice.

Lashes from the guards besides him strike his clothed thighs. The clothed is tore from the man the minute the leather lashes hit.
The scream that followed left Akia's heart shaking in fear.

"Is a servant so vile and dishonorable, worthy of the prospect of reciting their last words?" General worship asked and the king grunted squeezing the sword in his hand as the General hit the hammer on his desk. A green eerie radiated off the man, every could see the green light surrounding him.

"Please, your majesty. Remember you are more pure than man. Allow the man to speak before any further action his taken." General worship said as Julius continued to pant.

"Akia Kenya belongs to no one." Julius said through clench teeth.
Akia gasped loudly and the sound echoed through the deadly quiet room full with the palace servants.
"Lady Akia, exit the hall or you will be dragged out." General worship said and Akia's hands start to shake.

"Y-you can't kill him please." She said sickly, desperation seeping out of her drying mouth.
The court gasped at the disrespect.

"Your punishment will be administered greatly if you continue to show this undisciplined behavior." General Worship said and the king look at Akia, and the sound of bees started invading her ears at the speed of light.
The buzzing plus the rumbling of her stomach and the feeling of nauseous ness that was stuck in her body.

She stumbles falling backwards but regaining her steps.
"HE'S MY FRIEND." She yells as loud as she can.


"Take her away, strip her bare and pour boiling water on her until the wench knows her place ." The queen who had just entered the court room yelled.
"Your father dared to walk into my home and disrespect my king, your family travels here everyday to disrespect the sanctity of my home.
You dare to have a lover, IN MY HOME?! YOU DARE TO ANGER MY KING." The queen said voice raising the angrier she became.

"don't kill him please- he's my friend please. Do whatever you want to me, please I'll take whatever punishment you want to give me please don't k-"

With a careless swift of the sun's sword Julius's head rolled to the ground. The king picked up the decapitated head in his hand, before tossing it into the lit fire place.

Akia screamed.
Her voice piercing the palace wars.

"I'll die before I give this kingdom a heir." Akia sneered.
"Those are the words of a witch" The queen said staring at Akia fury in her eyes.

"Take her away." The king commanded. Two guards came up to her lifting her from her feet and carrying her.

The moment the cold air hits Akia she began the cycle of throwing up everything in her gut.

Her body goes limp the more her guts empty. When they notice the black ink like liquid in what came from her.
The guards put her own the floor, both running to in separate directions.

Akia stumbles awake, tears streaming down her red tired eyes.
She hauls her body and walks over to the stone side rails. She sits on a stone, inhaling rapidly as if oxygen was being stolen from her.

The rumbling inside her stomach seemed to only be getting louder with the pain only progressing.

She felt like she was going to die there.

Akia bends over, throwing up just pure liquid. A black snake appears from the green patch of weed, it wraps around her arm lightly. Akia notices the scaly creature and begins screaming and wagging her hand.

The snake tights it's grip, slithering future up the human girl.

The urge to throw up over Take her and this time when she bends to throw up the liquid was no long black, it was red, a blood red.

Before Akia could let a gasp escaped her mouth, the snake begins tightening around her throat.

Akia begins choking on her vomit, her eyes roll to the back of her head as she continues being strangled.

Akia opens her mouth wide trying to grasp some air and the snake invaded her mouth.

Sliding in until the tail disappeared.

Kingly Desire (BWWM) (on hiatus)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن