Shred skin, chicken pox

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When April reached the wall it was bordering on midnight.
There were no soldier guarding the back of the wall, this made April a little afraid. When she came to the wall for her Father's birthday, there had been soldiers all over the place.

If they weren't at their post means that they must've been needed else where and that scared April to death.

"Do you think it's strange that I want to sleep with a troll woman."
"How many times will we speak of this Walton?, must you always bring up your grotesque fetish."

"I just want to know if there's something-"
"They are 4 feet tall, corpulent, green women with huge noses and gigantic tits. I understand your attraction but I do not want to talk about it anymore."

"I don't know how I started seeing them this way-"
"Ask Ethan he speaks the trollish tongue, perhaps you can get you a blowjob from those pigs."

April approached the guards.
"Is general Kenya here?" She asked smoothing her hand over her tainted dress.
"And you are?" One of the guards asked

"April Kenya" April replies.

"The flower of the south." The other guard said.

April furrowed her brows.
"Just April is fine."
"I'll call the general you stay right ther-"

"Call me for what?" The general said appearing behind the two guards.

"Father, mother sent me here. We have to talk." April said and her father pushed passed the two guards revealing himself as a tall burly man with a long thick black bread and a shaved head.

He wore the guard protection mats as well as black pants, neck protection and black gloves.
"April?, what are you doing here darling?!, shouldn't you be preparing for your wedding or something more scandalous."

"Wedding?, What do you mean by wedding?" April asked.
"Have you grown dumb dear?, your wedding to our king?"
"Father, I'm April." April said and the old man laughed.

"Alright your majesty, you can come out now. Your practical jokes are never funny." General Kenya said looking around. April turns to look with him, unsure of what was going on
with her usually mentally stable father.

"Father... it's me April." April said quietly this time, afraid to embarrass her father.


"Mother sent me because Akia is marrying the king on your approval." April said, the man in front of her starts to laugh.

"... why would Akia be marrying the king when you are ?" General Kenya asked.
"Father, The king asked for Akia's hand in marriage and not my own."

"What you're trying to tell me is that Akia is in the palace right now..? What you're trying to tell me is that the king tricked me into giving permission for him to marry my Akia?"
The general said, his voice barely below a whisper.

"Father- you didn't know?" April asked and the man snapped.
"OF FUCKING COURSE I DIDN'T KNOW." The man snapped, Donovan winced at the loud sound and the guards behind him straightened up.

"Get my horse." The General commanded
".. the vampires-"
"YES GENERAL." Both the guards said before jogging away.

"How long?"
"A couple weeks sir-"
"A couple weeks, my little girl has been trapped in that dreadful place for a week." The General said walking toward Donovan and Rose.
"Who are this?"

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