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"I'll teach you.." the king said randomly.
"I'll teach you how to read." He said again with a wide smile on his face.

His head had wrapped around the mistake he'd made but it was too late now, she was carrying his child and there was nothing neither one of them could do now.

He'd just have to do whatever it takes to get the general's forgiveness. Surely he planned on giving his daughter away at one point, wouldn't it be better that she be handed to a king?.

April and Donovan were riding passed a village when she saw a child running around aimlessly.
she looked around for the parents and when she couldn't find them. She got off her horse and walked closer to the child.

The kid was a boy with red hair, April noticed the boy's yellow eyes once she walked closer. She noticed that one side of his arm was covered in scales and she shuddered.

"Hello. What are you doing on the roadway at this time of the day. This is the time that people come back from the markets and heavens you're so small they might not see you in the way here."

"That's okay!, mommy said I could play here since I'm so fast and I can run really super fast." The little boy said and April noticed the tip of his snake like tongue.
"Yeah?, where's Mommy?" April asked and the boy pointed to a brick house on the other side of the road.
"She's making loads of meat for dinner... maybe if you ask her she might give you some. Mommy's really really nic-"

"Eden!, come in dear the food's ready." A voice shouted from the door of the house. The little boy turned around to face his mother.

"Mother, did you make enough for this soldier and her husband?"

The mother squinted before responding to her 6 year old.
"Silly Eden, a woman can't be a soldier."

April wasn't listening though, not at all. Her gaze was fixation on the crown birthmark behind the child's neck. Members of the royal family are the only people who had birthmarks in that shape on the back of their necks. That was common knowledge.

April looks up at the older woman.
"Would you like to join us for dinner." The woman said and Donovan finally spoke.
"We would love to."

April felt a bad feeling in her gut the moment she entered the home.
They were led to a kitchen where a very big pot was being stirred over a big fire.

"Do you travel a lot?" The woman asked and Donovan shook his head.
"I usually never leave home, but April here saved my life and I felt indebted to her and I couldn't stand the idea of her traveling alone."

Donovan was acting as if he didn't notice the little boy's reptilian features.

"What about you?" The woman asked while still chopping ingredients for her soup.

April once again wasn't listening.
Her heart was beating rapidly now, something about this situation made her heart pump faster.

"She asked you a question." Donovan said before touching April on her shoulder. April jolted and stood up.

"we must be on our way." April said before grabbing Donovan from his comfortable sitting position.

"Why?, the food smells delicious." Donovan whines and April pulls him along to the door.

The door opened and two large men with butcher knives enter the house.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?, dinner is just about to begin."

" how would you like them Eden, want mommy to fry them or do you want them in a stew." The woman asked her son who appeared to be thinking about it.
"When I eat fried meat it hurts my stomach.. but it's the most delicious kind. I want them fried mommy."

April breath got caught up in her throat.
"Boys, get to chopping.. I promised my Eden a lot of meat tonight. He's practicing salivating." The woman said before returning back to chopping more vegetables.
She started whistling an energetic tone.

April pulled out her sword before pushing Donovan behind her.
"Wow, little lady has a longer knife surely we should be afraid." One of the men said.

April felt out matched, just by their height and weight alone.
April calms down and remembers her father's training.

" he who strike first wins."

April walks backwards pushing Donovan back as she went. She suddenly runs forwards. Jumps and does a back kick.

Hitting a man directly in his gut.
The man bends over and grunts in pain before laughing.
"Is that all you got princess-"the other man said and April growls before throwing a hard and fast punch directly at her jaw.

Father had taught her about this too.
"If your competition doesn't attack you while you're attacking them, it means there's something up their sleeves and you are going to lose."

April felt fear growing inside her.
She swings her sword and one of the men catch the blade, with a bleeding hand the man succeeds in flinging the blade across the room.

That's when they start their attacks.

"So you're saying that I'm not pregnant yet?" The queen asked and Ophelia nodded.

"The knightlac used made the King's magic dormant, meaning you do however have a moon child inside you but they are not necessarily the moon's son."
"What do I do?" The queen asked desperately.

"A coven of witches will be arriving at your baby shower, they will grant your child the title of the moon's son. But you must first make sure their entrance and stay will be unbothered. " Ophelia said while folding the Queen's freshly washed silk dresses.
"How do I do that?" The queen asked and Ophelia shook her head.

"I have helped quite a bit already don't you think?" Ophelia said and the queen bites her lip. If any other maiden had dared to speak to her like that, they would've been beaten until they couldn't even look her in the eye anymore.

Did this chapter suck??, sorry it's a filler. 🐸

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