Losing My Mind (falling in reverse)

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(Colbys pov )

I open my eyes to see that I was standing in a field full of tall grass. A gentle breeze make my hair fly a little to the left. I turn my head to look around the field but someone's yelled.


I turn to my right as I hear someone walk towards me. Sam walked up to me and I watch as he grap my arm. He intended our fingers together.

"What are you doing?"

I look back to the field.


"Looking for what?"

I glance at him but look back to the field.


I look at him to see him confused.

"Anything that want or have to happen. I'm just waiting for it."

Sam wrap his arms around my waist and look up at me. I smiled as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. I lean down as I close my eyes to give him a kiss but I was meet with air. I open them to see him gone, I frowned. I look around confused at what happened, I was in a different field.


I turn my head and see a little four year old girl waring a cute little dress running to me. As she ran I pick her up and hold her to the sky. She started giggling more she reached her little arms out to wrap them around my neck. I lower her so she can do so, I smiled at her.

"Hey, baby girl. What you doing out here."

"Pawing wif dada."

She pointed with her little finger across the field. I turn my head to see Sam slowly walking up to us with the brights smile I have ever seen him make.

"What you guys doing out here?"

He grap my free hand when he got to us.

"To see what you doing."

I watch him as he look around the field.

"You looking again."

I nod as I turned my head to look at the field again. I let the little girl down and she walked off little from us. I wrap my right around Sam waist, the more the little girl walk off the more she grows up when she stopped she was a beautiful grown women. Her back was facing us, we smiled more as she turned around but her face was blocked by the sunlight.

I only seen her smile before the world turned dark. I lay there in the darkness of emptiness and nothingness. I feel nothing, no emotions, no pain just nothing. I don't have to open my eyes to know there's nothing there where I'm at. But that's  the question, where am I ? Suddenly I was pulled to the right, I feel little pain. I got pulled on again it hurt more. I keep getting pulled on until it all stop altogether. I opened my eyes when a voice spoke to find nothing but the voice keeps talking. It sounds sad and that the person's crying.


The voice got louder and louder until I could understand it.

"Colby. C....clo.....colby...."

The voice keeps fading on me.

"Come back to me."

I'm confused.

"Please I...... lov......e ....y.....uo. COLBY!!!!!"

Suddenly I feel like I'm drowning. I can't breath I need to breath. My eyes snapped open, I see bright colors that blinds my eyes but still I can't breath. I keep gasping for air but nothing is coming in, my hands fly to my throat.
Darkness is creeping in the corner of my eyes, suddenly the world turned dark again. I'm back to the darkness but this time I only feel pain. My chest feels like it's on fire, slowly it spreads all over my body. When the pain got to a point that my eyes opened again but I can breathe this time. I sit up in the bed but the pain was still in my chest. I look down to see a knife stuck in it, my eyes widened as I screamed out of pain. Blood was all over the covers, the bed, on my clothes, and skin.

"Help. Make this stop. Please stop this. No more. Wake up!!"

My hands fly to my hair as I screamed. I pull hard on it.

"Stop this. Please"

I started crying as the darkness comes again. When I open my eyes to find a person in front of me and that I was trapped on a chair with rope. The person pulled out a knife and stick it into my left leg I screamed again as I still cryed. The person punched me in the gut, the side of the head, and I got kneed in the face. I feel and hear my nose break against the force. My head dropped down.

'Stop this please. I don't want no more. I want to wake up from this nightmare.'

I close my eyes as the pain continue to come. A sharp pain hit me in the head and I'm in the darkness once again.

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