Chapter 15: Looking Different

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Your Point of View

I impatiently sat down on a chair inside of a small room, waiting for Petra who said she will be getting some shoes and jewelries from somewhere I don't really care where.

I don't even know why, though. She'll gonna disguise as one of the Military Police's minions, so why wear such feminine stuff?

I just waited for her to enter the fucking door in front of me here in the Legion's branch inside a district.

Tonight, we will be executing the plan that Erwin organized a while ago. We're here to prepare the things that we've got to accomplish later.

It isn't that complicated to do, though. This mission is just one of the easiest things that I did back when I am still at Kenny's side.

But the only thing that is out of the box in here is that I'll be disguising as Levi's fucking girlfriend. Which is fucking unbelievable. I could already sense what kind of situation and awkwardness I'll be having with that guy. I don't know if I can get along with it.

Just because Eric was caught, we will be doing this.

And that affiliates me to change my appreance and temporarily remove my dearest braid—the braid that helped me to change the 'old' (y/n).

Petra, that emotional and overprotective woman fucking set all of these things up—to make me dress and look like a "goddess" which made my every body parts cringe.

I disgustingly looked at the somewhat long pink gown that Petra made me wear.

I am completely against this, but we've got no other option aside from this plan.

Actually, there can be some other options that we can approve of, but Erwin didn't try to entertain another idea as our task. He left us with no other choice but do this.

The dress feels so uncomfortable and at the same time soft for my body.

Honestly, I would quickly remove this shit off me if it weren't for Eric. Fuck that man for being a famous thug, a citizien recognized him.

My trail of thoughts were cut off when the door suddenly swang wide open, revealing Petra who is wearing the Military Police's uniform. She even wore a wig that made her look like a man.

She is the one who will guard Eric's prison cell so that Levi and I could move freely without getting someone's unwanted attention.

I almost didn't recognize her with all of the stuff that she's wearing. And she's doing that...for me.

I glanced at the stuff that she's holding with her hands. She brought a pair of high heels, earrings, a necklace, and an umbrella that matches my pink dress.

Oh, wait, wait, wait! Don't tell me she's gonna make me...

"Wear these!" She exclaimed, immediately sitting beside me.

I knew it.

Fuck, this is humiliating. Do I really have to wear those?!

"(Y/n), didn't I tell you to remove that braid already?" Petra crossed her arms, making her look more of a masculine with her looks.

Uhh, I can't take this. I really can't accept the fact that I will do this in front of them.

I hesitantly removed the pony of my braid, making my hair down. Fuck, moments like these are seldom.

I combed my hair using my fingers to remove the tangles of my hair and putting them on top of my shoulders, making them hanged in front of me.

After doing the process for over a minute, I looked up at Petra.

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