Chapter 19: Levi's Permission

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Your Point of View

I still can't get over on what just happened back there. Am I just hallucinating things that time or I was having a bad nightmare?

I slapped my face consecutive times inside the room that they gave me which I would stay in for a couple of days.

Shit. I can't process everything he just did. I can't believe it. I want to believe that I was just sleepy that time and that I was just dreaming.

But this is fucking reality; Levi confessed, he kissed me, and now everything seems so fucked up, and right now I am jaded.

It is already night, and every work that is needed to be done are already cleared. Finally.

The whole day, I tried making a big invisible barrier that would help me seperate myself from that damn man, to the point that I avoided seeing a shadow or even a glimpse of him.

I even noticed the other scouts staring at me as if they were saying, "Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, bitch?" But I just ignored their curious gazes whenever I act differently when Levi is around.

Meanwhile, Eren and Petra smirked and smiled secretly when they saw me running on the hallway. I don't know, but I have a feeling that what I am suspecting about her is right.

I am having second thoughts at the moment if I should join the dinner in the dining room now.

Eren is there, and I wanted to know a few things about him knowing that he is holding a valuable weapon that could save humanity. I must know more.

But at the same time, I'm not being immature or childish but I can't just stand seeing him tonight. That would be uneasy and uncomfortable for me.

I just... I am not used to this kind of stuff. This is the first time that this kind of shit happened to me. Love sucks. Having a crush on someone sucks.

And the most surprising part is that the first person who made me feel like this way is Levi. That's undeniably impossible and weird.

I finally gave up and just decided to skip dinner. I wasn't hungry after all. All I wanted is sleep.

But as of now, I'm not feeling tired or drowsy at all. All of my drowsiness had vanished because of the unexpected events that occured lately.

Suddenly, I heard the door creaking behind me.

I didn't bother averting my gaze to it because I am already accustomed with Eric's habit: budging on the door without even knocking.

"(Y/n), you may be tired and dozy already, but eat first before going on your sleep. You haven't ate anything since this afternoon," Eric worriedly adviced, looking at me as if I'm the most pitiful person he had ever seen.

I negotiated, dumbfounded. God! Will I agree to him or shut down his offer?

"I-uh," I stuttered, finding the right words.

Shit, I know it would be childish and cheap if I would reject him. It won't harm anything as long as I'd try to avoid him as much as possible, right?

"I'm coming," I said, trying my best not to stutter a word or else I'll get fucking suspicious within my actions.

"Good, I'll wait for you in the dining room, then." He happily cheered, clasping.

I sighed as he exited the door of my room. I am gonna regret this.

Let's just wish that this won't end up to be the worst fucking night ever.

A Choice with no Regrets (Levi x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora