Chapter 25: Long Time, No See

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Your Point of View

Am I deaf?

Nah, maybe I just misheard what Eric actually said. Nothing else is needed to suspect about.

I was just in time to arrive back to the Headquarters, and there I saw Eren, feeding the horses inside its stables.

"Good morning, (y/n)! You seem early today," Eren greeted innocently.

"Good morning," I greeted back, glancing quickly at him.

Oh, what a surprise that he still doesn't think bad of me despite my bitchy attitude. I hope he will, soon.

I just walked passed by them, because I don't have anything to do in particular, either. Just waiting for orders to come.

I accidentally eavesdropped a chat that I assume is between Ness and Eren. "Eren, is there anybody in your batch wanting to join us?" The squad leader asked him.

"There are! No... there were." Eren answered sadly.

During that training... I haven't heard anything about anyone who desires to get in the Survey Corps— except Eren, obviously.

I don't know, maybe the only fact that I don't socialize itself is the reason?

Unawared, Levi and Jean—oh, I mean, his horse suddenly appeared right in front of me.

"Eren, don't fall back at for more than two horses from me. Don't forget that the only reason why you—and (y/n) are not locked up is because I am watching you brats. Understood?" Levi reminded, darting a quick glance for the two of us, as if we're his children and he's our dad.

Eren and I immediately gave him a response. "Yes, sir!"

"All right. Let's get patrolling!" Levi shouted, perhaps talking to his squad.

Patrolling today? Crap, no one informed me that this would happen. Eric never mentioned me that we're having a business to do this morning.

I almost stumble rushing to get on my horse. Levi will probably brag about us being slow.

"Hey, (y/n)! Are you not yourself again? Captain will get mad again if you don't follow. Fucking get your horse!" Eric said, even if I am completely myself and I just felt lazy because of the word "patrolling."

I only nodded at Eric for him to move on. I should've expected this.


Another exciting and most awaited day inside this fucking force. What a quick shit. I am fucking hyped.

One month has already passed, meaning that fresh graduates will be joining this force, too.

And this day is the day where we intend to do that mission. God, my adrenaline is rushing again because of this fucking task.

And oh, speaking of graduates, they just arrived this late afternoon, greeting and chatting at each other with Eren as if they haven't meet for decades.

Mikasa, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt, Krista, Ymir, Sasha, Connie, Jean, and the others were here. Eren's whole squad has decided to team up and join this branch.

But wait, everyone's here. Except... Annie Leonhart. Where might that girl be?

Perhaps the bitch chose the Military Police. She's fourth on our class, after all. She has the privilege of joining that force, and she probably picked it.

I went to feed my brown horse on the stables. A regular basis though, everytime our task is finished, I go and get some food for my horse to eat.

We've been patrolling and sending reports or news to the capital for more than a month before the cadets came. No special events or such things. Which was actually boring.

A Choice with no Regrets (Levi x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα