ACWNR Special Chapter [3] Braid

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Kenny's Point of View

"Do you understand, idiot?! Never fight back again!"

I just walked away from the brat. He already learned his lessons, that's for a hundred percent sure.

He can be independent and survive by himself...and I will now let him go. Levi will have to depend on himself from now on.

I'm in a secret organization.

And what is the deal with that, you ask, eh? That's another answer for another topic.

Eric, the little kid I also met here in the Underground City called from behind. Tsk, what does the child need from me?

"Uhmm, mister Ackerman, can I ask for a favor...? Please, I won't ask for anything again after that." The kid gave his most pleasing face to me.

I grew annoyed. "What is it, kid?"

He waved his hands near the building behind him, as if he's signalling someone to go to him. The next I knew was a little girl appeared on my sight.

The kid was undeniably cute, and it seemed like she's Eric's age. Judging by her looks, the child is poor and homeless. Eh, just guessing!

"I don't know her name, but she told me that she doesn't have a home. I was so guilty seeing her in such state so I brought her here...I just thought you can help her, like what you did to your nephew and I." Scott wondered.

What am I now? An orphanage?

Heh, it's my fault I let children enter my life, anyway.

First, I fed the burden Kuchel left behind after facing death. Second, I took responsibility of the little kid I also met because he reminded me of the burden.

Now I have to take care of a girl. I feel like I am a fucking parent, a dad, to be specific. Can I consider myself good now for doing this? Hell yeah!

"Fine." I easily agreed.

"What's your name?" I kneeled down and asked the child.

We stared at each other for a few more moments, but she sti didn't answer my question. Eh?

"Oi, Eric, why isn't she replying to me? Is this girl mute?" I shaked the poor lady's shoulders while asking Scott.

"She...she just don't want to tell us her name." He told me.

"Is that so?" I reassured, raising one eyebrow.

"Y-yes, mister. Sorry."

Really? And why won't she say her name? Is that how much she dislikes her own name?

"You're being hard-headed, huh."

I stood up and held the two children's hands. "If you don't want to say what your name is, I'll give you one."

"From now on, your name is (y/n). If you dislike your old one, I am pretty sure you won't complain about it."

I glanced to see her reaction. Her face was still as blank as the one I first saw. Is she depressed or something?

Meh, if she won't explain, then I'll let her not. I'll just force her what I want her to be if she doesn't like who she was.

I stopped halfway and told her, "And a new name shall have a new hairstyle! Just take a look at mine, it's so fancy, right? Don't even deny!" I joked though she never reacted to anything.

"That hair of yours will affect your future. Let's cut it."

I was surprised when her eyes widened in shock. "No... Don't you dare do that, stranger."

Hmm, was her hair somewhat important for her? Fine.

I paused and gave her a grin. "I won't, I was just joking, forgive me!"

"If you want, just tie them up. I promise you, it will make your job harder in the future. Maybe a braid will do, eh?"

The girl slowly nodded.


A/N: So as you can see, gals, the special chapter is fucking short, because I always change my mind. Told ya I suck at promises.

I moved the other part from this chapter to the original story, because for some reason, I realized it was more way better to place it on Chapter *toot* so yeah. Sorry.

My deepest apologies.

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