Chapter 29: Annie Leonhart

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Your Point of View

I still didn't follow what Erwin has ordered me. When it comes to something important like this situation, I won't submit to anyone.

He can't just make everything end like this! If he is conscious with the possible scenarios that could come, why would he be selfish and let my squad be vulnerable from death?

I understand that he has faith on Squad Levi, and he knows what my comrades are capable of. They are highly skilled, and that's a fact. But still, I can't stay relaxed and just go with the flow. That's a no. No until I find out that Eric is safe.

I know my squad's limits even if I don't communicate with them that much.

But on the other hand, I know how powerful and dangerous Annie could be, too.

But for now, one thing is clear for me: I need to do something. If no one does, then how could we get rid of this?! I need to be there to ensure their safety.

They must've hid Eren somewhere, and I think that they're retreating right now, because the message have been relayed and they must've seen it.

Meaning, it would still buy Annie some time for her to find them, and I would still have a chance to stop her.

Of course, I won't let that chance slip.

I don't care if I wouldn't be able to get back anymore. I don't care if I would have to expose my secret, too. What's more important is to make sure that Eric would be safe.

I trust Eric and them, but I can't let Annie scratch an itch on them, especially on Eric. I won't let her hurt him.

I'm a hard-headed bitch, no one can change nor persuade me from doing what I am planning to do.

Especially because I am doing this not only to save the life of Eric, but to prevent my squad from being wiped out, too.

I won't let that shit happen. I'll protect them at all costs, even if it costs my life. I mean, what's the point of leaving if they, especially Eric, would die anyways?

Eric is one of the reasons why I am still alive and kicking. He is the only person who understands me even if I don't listen and show him how much I care about him and his life. 

But still, this is all Levi's fault. If it weren't for him, Eric wouldn't be in a dangerous state like where he is right now.

"Well, if you were to ask me, I don't think there's still a future waiting for you behind the bars."

Shit, why am I remembering what Levi has told him that day?

Back then, I knew he was right. If I let Eric rot behind those bars, there will be no future waiting for him.

What worse is that there is a high chance that he would get killed, considering all those crimes that we have done in that city.

But come to think of it... That time when we made a plan to set him free in the prison, I wasn't told about anything that Eric might be punished or killed.

If we didn't make a move back then, will there still be a chance that he would be free?

Or...Those two, Erwin and Levi just decided to shut their mouths, not letting me know about anything that might occur to Eric, because they knew what my reaction could be?

No, I have no time to think about that right now. I have more pressing concerns right here at the moment. That is what I need to focus on.

Surprisingly, a seemingly familiar pair of wires caught my eye...

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