Chapter-11 (e)

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Chapter-10: Hogwarts Express and Apologies

Selene's p.o.v:

I'm here waiting to return to Hogwarts for my second year hoping that now I can have peaceful life during my education which has improved a lot, last two months had been fun learning all classes in freezing chamber with my family, Aunt Cassie said I have an photographic memory which means if once I gave a reading I can mesmerize them easily and practical works comes to me at ease then going on picnics with dad alone and sometimes with family gave me memories that I missed all these years. Dad assured n number of times that he loved me along with others. Also the mind healing sessions with mind healer also helped me a lot. After trial, my family made sure that the news I was the daughter of Sirius Black and James Potter never came out so that when I get resorted everyone can know. I also felt bad about Uncle Luc and Aunt Ci lying to Draco about me, but now I'm going make amends to him then even I can have a big brother. I came out of my musings when someone entered inside the cabin.

"Hello, Potter," Draco said with a sneer.

"Hello, Heir Malfoy." I greeted him according to wizarding traditions and from the look on his face, I can say he was surprised.

"Good morning Heir Malfoy I would like to apologize for my behaviour last year and also to turn down your hand for friendship," I said feeling guilty. He was staring at me with shock and surprise.

"Its fine Miss. Potter." He said still in a trance.

"If you don't have a problem I would like to start first. Friends?" I asked him forwarding my hand towards him hoping he will accept it because I don't want to lose my cousin.

"Sure thing Miss. Potter. Hello, I'm Heir Draco Lucius Malfoy." He said taking my hand which surprised me.

"Hello, I'm Heiress Selene Rosalie Potter-Black. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself.

"Did you just say, Black?" He asked.

"Yes, I said Black cousin. If you have time I will explain everything but alone." I said indicating to Crabbe and Goyel.

"Crabbe, Goyel go find others, I will be there shortly." He ordered them. After they went out I closed doors and warded compartment with locking spells and privacy spells which Papa taught me.

"Now tell me how can you be a Black mainly how come you're my cousin?" He asked.

"I'm the daughter of your cousin Sirius Black and James Potter. James is my Mama, he carried me to term." I said.

"But Mom said Sirius is in Aszkaban?' He said.

"Yes he was innocent so I got him trail in summer and proved him innocent. This news didn't come in the newspaper because we stopped it, so that along with the truth of birth. Papa is going to announce everything in tomorrow's newspaper." I said.

"I still don't get how Lily Evans is your mother?" He asked.

"She was my godmother but when I was born after 15 days she blood adopted me due to my magical core because my core was so strong that I started to perform accidental magic, so healer suggested to stabilize it I need to have three connected cores to my core," I said and he looked surprised and amazed.

"Tell me everything from starting." He ordered.

So I started telling from starting where Albus left me at Dursleys to till today's morning where grandpa Arctus along with grandma Irma along with Papa dropped me at the station before half an hour so that we can avoid paparazzi. When I completed he was fuming and started cursing like a sailor and I was amused because of his language.

"I promise you Selene from today onwards no one will use you for their selfishness. I promise you as a big brother." He said by kissing my forehead while a lone tear escaped from eyes.

My every wish that I wished for when I was a child sitting in cupboard came true, now I want Mama and Grand papa Marvolo back then my family will be complete.

"Rosie, then what are you going to do this year. Do you still want to be in Griffyndor?" He asked.

"No Dragon I'm going to ask for the resort," I said.

"Oh in which house do you want?" He asked eagerly.

"I know in which house I will be but for you to wait and see," I said with mischievous. He just shook his head.

Later we sat in silence he was seeing the scenery while I started feeling sleepy so I adjusted my head on his shoulder and started fall to sleep.

Draco's p.o.v:

Today morning when Dad and Mom were dropping me at the station there was something in Mom's eyes and I was suspicious but I didn't say anything. Later when I entered Selene's cabin I was surprised to see her alone without other two golden duos but I didn't show anything on my face. But when she apologized to me I was shocked. Then she said she was a cousin and started telling everything about her past after I sent Crabbe and Goyle out of the cabin, my blood started boiling for whatever happened to her then and there itself I promised her and myself that I will protect her no matter what as a big brother. Now I understood where Mum and Dad went all these days. It hurt me to know they kept this as a secret but I understand Rosie's insecurity so it's okay. She fell asleep on my shoulder and if she slept like this, then her neck can get sprained so I kept adjusted her head in my lap and started stroking her hair she snuggled closer in my lap due to comfort and I smiled. I came out of my musings when our compartment door got opened.

"Draco what are you doing with her?" Pansy shouted and I glared at her while petting Rosie's hair.

"Don't shout Pansy. If you want to know come inside and sit I will tell you." I said. She came inside followed by Blaise, Daphne, Tracey and Theo.

"What happened Draco?" Blaise asked calmly.

"Selene is my cousin and sister. She is Sirius's daughter." I said and started explaining everything to them leaving about her abuse because it is her decision whether to tell them or not. Like me even they were angry.

"Don't worry Draco we will protect her no matter in which house she will be," Blaise said while others nodded their heads.

"Thank you," I said. Meanwhile, the announcement came that we are nearing Hogsmead so I started waking Selene.

"Rosie, wake up we are here," I said.

"Papa let me sleep if not I will tell Aunt Ci that you were the one who changed her hair to Gryffindor colours in her third year." She threatened. I was stopping my laugh along with others.

"Rosie, open your eyes we are at Hogsmead. Come on Honey, open your eyes and see." I said and she woke up.

When she opened her eyes she WS shocked to see my friends and her cheeks changed into red colour indicating she is embraced.

"Sorry." She said cutely while Daphne's, Tracey and Pansy cooed looking at her.

"It's okay Rosie you girls change into robes we boys will change outside," I said moving to take my robes.

"Hmm, Selene how come Granger and Weasely never came here looking for you?" Blaise asked her and even I want to know the answer to that.

"Hehe, I warded our cabin door so that no Gryffindor can come inside or can listen to our conversation." She said and I along with others were impressed.

We entered carriages which will take us to castle while Selene went and sat. With Longbottom and Finnegan. So that no one can know anything till her resort anything.

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