Chapter 7

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Khushi wasn't expecting to receive any packages. So the courier caught her by surprise. Signing for it, she hurriedly opened it, spilling its contents. The first thing she noticed was her photo, in the arms of the devil. She flinched. Hurriedly she picked all it up and began reading the papers that came along with the photo. She was just about to tear and dump all of it when she noticed a small note sticking to the envelope. With shaking hands she removed it.

It read:

You already know who I am. Meet me at the Coffee shop next to Ram Manohar Lohia hospital at 12.30 pm, if you don't want to see the photograph in today's evening news broadcast. 

There was no signature on the note, the parcel or any of its contents. But all reeked of one person's doing - ASR.

She smoothed the crumpled photograph in her fist. It looked like the picture was taken just as Khushi Kumari Gupta was about to kiss ASR, while he was busy cradling her in his arms. She knew something like that had never happened. He knew it too. But the press would have a field day with the picture.

It had been almost a month since Payal's wedding was called off.  But the family was still trying to come to terms with it. The occasional question from a neighbor, relative or well-wisher was enough to break the wall of patience the family had very diligently built around them.

She knew the stakes were high. But how could she put them through more humiliation? She remembered the face of a quiet scared child, who Shashi Gupta had brought home and given all the love and security a family had to offer. 

She would go.  It had to be done this one time. Just so she could set things straight.

Steeling her nerves, she got ready to face the man who was now haunting her every living moment. She prayed she could control her urge to give him one tight slap when she met him. She didn't think he was a person. He was only a living thing. But how would she sit through the brief encounter? Because she intended it to be just that. 


Khushi was 10 minutes early and decided to treat herself to a hot cup of tea. She could do with some soothing right now because she was seething. Seething at the audacity of a man who had tortured her for 48 hours and then blackmailed her into meeting him. He might be a big businessman but he definitely needed a lesson or two when it came to etiquette.

ASR arrived at sharp 12.30. He spotted Khushi Gupta sitting at the corner most table and proceeded towards her. The cup had just touched her lips when Khushi spotted the devil in a charcoal black three-piece suit striding towards her. She knew the suit was a Gucci. Their brand image was unmistakable. She also sensed why people were so afraid of him. The man positively exuded raw charisma. 

He sat down and began without a preamble. "I have a proposition for you. I want you to be my next live-in Business Developer. My current live-in business manager is Lavanya Kashyap who will be vacating her position shortly. She will hand over all-important information there is to know in order to fill this position. You have 24 hours to consider the proposal and accept it. Once you formally accept it, I will arrange for a meeting between yourself and Lavanya and you can get all the relevant information from her."

Khushi was stumped by the monologue. It sounded like ASR was offering her a job. But something didn't seem right. Had she misheard what he said? She asked again "What's the position?"

"I want you to be my live-in Business Manager", he said as a matter-of-fact.

"And what would the job profile include?", she questioned uncertainly.

"It's not a real job. It's just a glorified name for a mistress."

Rage pumped through her veins. She had heard him right the first time. She couldn't believe his audacity. First, he tortures her and now, he brings her this ridiculous proposal. 

"I don't need 24 hours to think over it", trying to sound as calm as she could. "The answer is no."

Khushi got up to leave but ASR held her palm firmly to the table. Try as she might she couldn't rid her hand from his deathlike grip. She forcibly sat down. 

ASR's eyes had a cold gleam, a tiger about to pounce on its prey. "I usually get what I want and I hate hearing the word no."

"Well, then get used to it. Because I don't like saying yes to you."

"You'll say yes."

"Over my dead body."

"Not really yours, but maybe your father's."

When Khushi suddenly looked unsure, ASR went for the kill.

"The land your father has his sweetmeat shop on needs to be renewed. The landlord is asking for twice the rent because the land is on prime property."

Looking at Khushi's dumbstruck expression, Arnav softly chuckled before continuing. 

"Considering the fact that your father is barely managing to break even, doubling the rent will break his backbone. Your father has already debated and decided against relocating the shop. " 

He paused for all of the information to sink in. 

"Interestingly, that particular piece of land has taken my fancy and I intend to buy it. If you agree to this deal, I will lease the space out to your father for a term of 99 years at half the rate he is currently paying. If you don't, I will triple his rental obligations and force him to declare bankruptcy. The choice is yours"

Khushi stopped struggling. Things were not as straightforward as she thought. What ASR offered was downright insulting, and yet it seemed she was left with no other option. She needed to calm down and practically analyze the situation. 

"I need some time to think over it."

"You have 24 hours. I will meet you here tomorrow noon at 12.30 and hopefully, by then you'll have an answer for me."

He put on his aviators and strode out. Khushi spotted him getting into the back seat of his black Mercedes before the car drove off.  She was sitting with her hands on her head, before suddenly getting up and rushing out. She had a lot of work to do and very little time. 

She couldn't accept his proposal. She had to find a way out. She wouldn't give in without a fight.

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