Chapter 56

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If Khushi had ever dreamt of a fairy-tale life, her wish had come true tonight. Amidst all the glitter and glamour, the lights and wine, the enchanting fragrance and mesmerizing views - she had finally found her moment. The fashion show was a hit with the audience.  Three rounds of standing ovations. All the designers on stage, taking a bow. Khushi was sharing the platform with industry stalwarts whose work she had worshipped. It was surreal and yet it was strangely real. Reporters were clamoring for her quotes. She would be featured in the newspapers tomorrow, her hard work would get recognition, she would finally be considered worthy. 

A faint smile danced at the edge of her lips. It was ironic that her life's biggest moment was a result of its worst. If she hadn't gone to Sheesh Mahal that fateful day, she would never have met ASR and none of this would've happened. She looked up at the sky, full of twinkling stars and mouthed a thank you. Her parents were watching from up there. And today, she truly felt she had made them proud. 

She had made them all proud, even Shashi and Garima. She thanked Devi Maiyya, for watching out for her every step of the way. ASR was sitting in the first row clapping the loudest. He was proud of his team's achievement. It showed in the way his face glowed. Sheetal was smiling demurely, standing right next to him, clapping away. 

Absorbing the reality of what had just happened, Khushi's eyes strayed towards ASR. She looked at him and sighed. Vantablack was really his colour. He looked royal. She had noticed the number of heads that turned to catch a glimpse of him, wherever he went, but he was oblivious to it all. She noticed Sheetal next to him. The two looked perfect together. She sighed once more and wished she was just as immune to his charm.


The event had ended sometime back. Most of the crowd had dissipated. A few staff members of AR were busy winding up.  Head designer Vishal was clearing out the green room,  Aman was dealing with the event coordinators, Khushi was overseeing the caterers and Arnav was waiting to sign cheques and pay the bills.

While the caterers cleared the floor of their arrangement, Khushi moved to the perimeter of the terrace to admire the night view of the city. She was so far away from home. She missed her family. She wanted them around to participate in her victory. Of course, she would call and tell them all about it. But that didn't help. She felt inexplicably happy and lonely. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize when Arnav had come to stand right behind her. 

 "You look beautiful."

His compliment gave her goosebumps. She refused to acknowledge it, instead blaming the nip in the air. She hugged her arms tight across her body and rubbed each other to infuse heat. "Thank you," she said. She turned her neck to look at him and then focused on the view in front of her. 

His near presence was strangely comforting. She liked this moment, just the two of them. It wasn't charged with emotion like most others. She reveled in his form and wanted to lean into his strength. She felt secure. The thought drew a raw chuckle. "What's so funny?" he asked. "Nothing," she replied, shaking her head. She turned to face him and glanced at the buffet area. The caterers were almost done. She walked to check on them when a gentle tug drew her back to where she was standing mere seconds ago. 

"Dance with me." His voice was sultry and she was under a spell. Tucked far away from everyone's eyesight, Khushi and Arnav danced to the faint stirrings of music that reached their ears. He twirled her and she effortlessly followed the beat and rhythm. He pushed her and pulled her close, gently caressing her lower back, brushing his hands against her chest, stroking her arms, dipping her and bringing her close enough to hear her breathing. He twirled her again, brushing his cheeks with hers, gazing into her eyes, trying to talk the language of his soul. She let him guide her, innately following his lead, blushing every time he touched her, wishing for more such times. The moment was intimate. It was raw, honest; where two lovers unable to confess their feelings tried to convey it to each other through music and rhythm. 

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