Chapter 24

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It had been an entire day since Khushi had her fateful meeting with Arnav Singh Raizada and Anjali Jha. And in all honesty it had left her more confused than ever. On the one hand, she remembered her deal with Arnav, he had kept up his part of the bargain, now it was her turn. If she backed out, it would be wrong and unfair, and Khushi hated being the one who was wrong and unfair.

On the other hand, she recollected Anjali's words: "Whatever your reasons are, I am also extremely sure there is another way out." Was there another way out? Something she had missed? Would it still be okay to take it now?

Khushi sighed. Never in her life had she been more confused. She decided to take the day off, go around New Delhi, and breathe some fresh air. Life had recently become extremely complicated and she wanted to get lost in the sea of people to feel some normality.

As she walked out of her apartment building, Khushi was lost in her own thoughts. Thoughts that strangely involved a time from long ago. She heard voices in her head. "Help. Help. Please do something. Someone, please help me." The voices were followed by visions of the police and the paramedics whisking some people away from an accident site. A small girl around eight years of age was standing in the corner near one of the police cars shivering.

The honking of the cars brought Khushi back to reality. She realized she had reached the main intersection and wondered what direction she should go in. She decided to board the first local bus that came and go where it took her.


Arnav Singh Raizada was running his fingers through his impeccably styled hair. He didn't understand what was going on. He looked at the scrap piece of paper that had three different tunics doodled on it.

The patterns were amazing. These tunics had traditional cuts and yet Khushi had, through the use of intricately woven flowers, motifs and the clean cuts gave them an instant mass appeal.

These designs were perfect. With a minimal amount of reworking, they could be presented to AR's partners who were by now pretty desperate for a solution to their current dilemma. And this wasn't just any solution. Arnav knew, this would make AR an overnight success in Europe, just like they had become in India.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number. "I need all the information you can get on Khushi Kumari Gupta. And I need it before 5 pm" Arnav didn't believe in wasting words.


Khushi Kumari Gupta was sitting near the window seat in the bus. As cool gusts of wind kissed her cheeks and blew her hair in all directions, she pinched her eyes and wondered yet again what she had gotten herself into. She willed herself not to think about her arrangement with Arnav Singh Raizada, knowing there was no future from here on. But she wished, just wished that there would be a way out - a way where she didn't have to break her word, didn't have to be the unfair one. Secretly praying to her Devi Maiyya, Khushi whispered, "You know why I did what I did. I am not saying I am proud of my choice, but I hope the reasoning behind my choice still stands. If I walk away from this now, I will never be able to face myself ever again. Don't let me lose to myself, please. Please show me the way." A lone tear escaped from her eye before it was hastily brushed aside.

The bus she was sitting in was whizzing past the buildings. It was a relatively nice day to be on the road. The usual New Delhi traffic was nowhere in view. Khushi had bought a ticket to the last destination. She was sitting looking outside at nothing in particular when a huge multi-story glass building caught her attention. It was the Monalisa. Somehow, despite the grim connection it ought to have had to Khushi's life, the building always made her smile.

It reminded of the dreams of the girl who wanted to work here. It reminded her of the success of a boy, who had much to lose. It reminded her of hard work and single-mindedness. It reminded her of tough decisions.

She smiled again, got down and made her way towards the water-fountain that zealously guarded the gates of AR Corporation.


The building cast a huge shadow on the adjoining green space that was beautifully landscaped with a variety of perennial and seasonal flowers and held a water fountain at the center of it all. Clad in a peach coloured chiffon salwar kameez, Khushi looked absolutely angelic in front of that fountain. She sat on one of the benches that surrounded the water structure, pulled out a book from her bag and began reading. It was a great day and she was glad she had decided to come out rather than spend time indoors.

She must have been there for over an hour when she noticed a very handsome looking gentleman sitting next to her. He was busy furiously typing something on his blackberry. After he finished, he straightened his head, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Khushi was instantly aware not only of his presence but also of his frustration. He was clearly upset about something. When he opened his eyes a minute later, he looked straight into her eyes. She looked angelic. Willing herself to go back to her book, Khushi turned a page when he decided to talk to her.



"Haven't seen you around before"

"I don't live here."

"Are you new to New Delhi?"

"You could say that"

"Where are you from?"


"You don't speak too much do you?"

"Maybe not. But then again, it's not every day that someone reading a book is accosted by questions from a stranger."

He smiled.

"What are you doing sitting here in the middle of the day all by yourself?"

Shutting her book with an exasperated sigh, Khushi said: "You ask far too many questions don't you?"

"I'm sorry if I offended you."

"Things lately don't offend me that easily."

"Can I ask you to a cup of coffee?"

"Normally I would say no but since it looks like you could do with a break, I will say yes."

"Thank you so much. You're very kind", and he winked at her while they made their way across the road to the nearest coffee shop. 

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