Chapter 10

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"Khushi I know what you are up to," ASR began without a preamble. The two of them were sitting sipping their beverage at the Fairfield Inn by Marriott in Gomti Nagar. Every time Khushi passed by the hotel, she wondered what it looked like on the inside. Now that she was inside, circumstances surrounding the visit didn't allow her to enjoy the experience.

The waiter was busy placing a Masala Latte and a black coffee on their table. The blended aromas of the two piping  hot drinks teased her senses. Pulling her teacup towards her, Khushi took a small sip to gauge the temperature of the liquid. "There is no point in this futile exercise," continued ASR, not paying any attention to his coffee. "Give it up. Take up my terms and everything will be amicable. I will support your family and make sure that all their needs are taken care of. However, if you do try to carry on this foolhardy plan of yours, then you and only you will be responsible for the destitution your family will face in the near future."

Khushi paused in her act of lifting her teacup to her lips for another sip. She wasn't sure if Arnav Singh Raizada was bluffing or he seriously knew what she was up to. Seeing the look of confusion on Khushi's face Arnav thought it was best to clear her doubts.

"Khushi I know exactly what you are thinking. You are thinking of getting your father to transfer the deed papers to your sister's name so that the terms of the lease remain the same for the next 99 years right?"

The look of astonishment in Khushi's face was enough encouragement for ASR to continue.

"That would have been a brilliant move if it had been done before midnight. However, as you still haven't even drawn up the legal papers, I want to tell you that doing it now is pointless.

"Last night, I bought the land and the land around your Babuji's sweetmeat shop. So as of this morning, the old contract is completely null and void and your Babuji has 30 days to vacate the premise and find a new place to set up shop. Otherwise, I can have him forcefully evicted."

Khushi gulped a mouthful of tea, her tastebuds not acknowledging the slight cardamom flavor of the exotic Darjeeling handpicked leaves. She suddenly had many questions, but for some strange reason was finding it difficult to string an entire coherent sentence together.

She stared at Arnav Singh Raizada and gulped some more tea hoping it would give her the necessary strength to talk and whispered hoarsely "What is it you want me to do now?"

Arnav was pleased with the response. He liked a good fight but respected someone who lost with grace. "I would like you to go and tell your parents that you have found yourself a job at AR as a Business Developer and that you will be working from the AR headquarters in New Delhi. Leave the rest to me."

Khushi didn't want to leave anything to ASR. Ever since she had looked at his face, things had gone horribly wrong for her. She wanted to brush it off as a nightmare of the worst kind and yet, she realized it was all happening. Gritting her teeth, she said: "You might have won this time around but you will never be able to make me come to you."

ASR smiled. A slow lazy smile that said he knew Khushi was trying hard to keep her head above the water.

"I know you will come to me. Not because you love me but because you love your family."

Khushi blinked. And then blinked again. How could he smile after what he'd just said? Why did he want to ruin her life? What harm had she ever done him? She had a thousand questions but knew it was futile asking any of them.

He was right. She would have to sign those goddamn papers. But will she be able to follow through with what was asked of her? She would think about that later. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the life, hopes, and dreams of the man who had raised her.

So she asked again, in a very meek voice: "Can I be appointed as a Trainee Designer instead of a Business Developer? I am.." Her voice trailed off as ASR's phone beeped.

It was time for business. Distractedly looking at his emails on his blackberry he replied: "Of course, you can be appointed as whatever you want. Just remember, it's not a real job and you probably will hardly ever visit the office."

Then as an afterthought, he added: "Email all your requirements to my secretary and I will get the appointment letter sorted. Also, don't forget to tell your parents that I will be visiting them tomorrow."

Khushi nodded mutely and left while ASR was still busily scanning his blackberry. A few minutes later, he looked up, staring at the empty chair in front of him. Something didn't seem right. He couldn't put a finger on it. This wasn't what he was expecting. Khushi had given in without a fight. He had a bad feeling about what was going on in her head.


As Khushi walked out of the five-star hotel, the roads were bustling with people rushing to work. The day had only just begun. She would have plenty of time to get used to the fact that her life was going to change forever and that she had one day to bury all her hopes and dreams before embarking on a completely unexpected journey.

She thought of all the time she had spent with Shashi, Garima, and Payal, of all the memories that would plague her once she was in New Delhi. What if Shashi and Garima found out about all this? She didn't know how they would react. Forget them, she didn't know how she was reacting to this whole thing.

She knew the path she had decided to walk was fraught with danger. And yet, Arnav Singh Raizada had left her with no option but to walk it. A strange determination shone in her eyes. She would have the last say. She might have lost this battle but Khushi Gupta promised herself that she would win the war. Arnav Singh Raizada had unfairly dragged her into this power game of his. She would make him rue the day he thought of doing that.

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