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I had walked into the big tent to see a little girl,  she looked about twelve!

"Good evening. " she said, her body glowed for a second and it seemed like she aged six years! "My name is Artemis,  Goddess of the Moon,  Hunt,  Archery, and Child Birth." She explained.

Thor went to one knee, I felt like I should follow suit, "My name is Thor Odinson, God of thunder!" Thor said,  then he gestured at me, "This is Steve Rogers, World War Two Captain. "

"Now that introductions are out of the way..." she started, "What happened in New York? "

Thor explained how seven titans showed up with armies of monsters,  and how we all fought to push them back,  finishing with how Percy had probably taken out five of them. FIVE?

All the while Artemis nodded along,  she didn't seem surprised by this either, why is that?

I can't hold my question anymore, "How is he?" I asked

Thalia's face darkens,  not in mourning but anger! Crap! Not supposed to talk,  who cares!

"Percy is... recovering. " she explained, "His injuries were severe,  the main two being the hole in his stomach and his punctured lung. That's not the worst of it, because of the rain his internal energy was depleted to heal him, making it so that only Ambrosia and nector can heal him!"

Thor nodded, I was confused, what did that mean? Artemis looked at me, "Percy is a son of Poseidon, God of the sea, as such water can heal and energize him for a little bit. But when that energy runs out... He's practically comatose."

" Ahh. " I exclaimed, "Shouldn't we bring him to the hospital?"

Her eyes narrowed, "No, demigods don't go to hospitals." Thor explained, "There DNA is ... Weird, if they did, the government would experiment on them."

My jaw dropped, the government wouldn't do that, would they?

"They would." Artemis, Thor, and Thalia said in unison

Artemis looked at me, "When Percy is fully healed, I'll bring him to any city he wants to go to."

Why is she so nice to him?

"Because Percy has earned my respect." She said before snapping her fingers

We were back at Avenger tower! I felt Thor put his hand on my shoulder.


Those males were irritating! The soldier kept talking out of turn, the other God at least was respectable. I walked out of the tent, Thalia following right behind me. We were going to the same place, the infirmary, where Percy was resting.

We walked right in, he was still unconscious. His major injuries were healed, but he was still recovering his strength. If he really fought five titans, he should be dead! He might be unconscious for a whole month!

Steve~ two months later

I had finally reopened my soup kitchen, several people came for some soup, I was happy. Then a familiar face walked up with a bowl, "So, sorry 'bout destroying the last place." It was percy!

He had some gray mixed with his black hair, several bags under his eyes, and a scar across his cheek, he honestly looked tired. I filled his bowl and signaled the new kid, Peter, to take over.

We sat down like we usually do, he smiled a little as he ate the soup. "How ya been?" I asked

He looked at me, "Exhausted, healing all my injuries took a lot of energy, then I had to recover enough energy to wake up, then I had to wait till I could swing my sword before she dropped me off here." He explained

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