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New York is slowly recovering from the heavy losses they received from the space monster, including: Black widow, Hawkeye, Iron man, hulk, and Steve's nephew, Percy. Those were among the fifty thousands of casualties!

But little did they know that Percy and Hulk survived!


I sat down on the chair next to Hulk, we agreed to go with chaos. He promised that we'd be able to kill the creature that created the 'destroyer' that killed the avengers.... my uncle... my new father...

I shook my head, can't think like that! Can't be broken! If I break I could die!


I want to smash evil man! Man who kill friends! Hulk smash him and protect Percy! I look at new guy, Chaos, he says we need stronger, but Hulk strongest there is!

Hulk prove him wrong!


I looked at Percy, he was so close to being broken, but he's holding himself together. We may just win!

~time skip through space and intro of planet, it looks like earth with the land as one huge circle ~


Chaos enrolled me into his military school so that I could learn his style of sword fighting, he claimed it would make me stronger.

There were thirty kids already in this class, they were all trained. But not one of them had the feeling of war with them, none of them have been close to death!

"Class, this is Percy." The teacher explained with me next to her, "he will be attending class with you all starting today. "

I heard lots of whispers, involving me looking weak. It was annoying, I was told to sit in the way back. Class was all about the proper way to hold a sword. Followed by the history of the universe.

It was dead boring! Until we were put into combat training, it was fun, there was magic though. Magic that made it impossible to use any combat style other than those approved by Chaos. It was weird, I was actually Amazing at the style!

"Alright!" Came a booming voice, one that I recognized!

I turned and saw Hulk!

"I train you!" He said, everyone seemed mad about him, "step one, free for all!" Everyone seemed surprised by that, "BEGIN!"

Third pov

There were three people started the melee, each at different parts of the crowd of sixty, within minutes there were only three people remained.

A boy named Greg, a boy called Damien and a girl named Lilith. They looked at each other sizing each other up, Lilith and damien ran at Greg, Damien kicked at his head while Lilith stabbed at him with a dagger!

Right before either they made contact Greg grabbed his leg and her arm! He threw Damien's leg up before judo flipped Lilith to the ground he went to kick Damien when lilith threw a dagger! He quickly dodged, giving Damien time stand up to kick him. Greg took the blow so that he could grab his leg again before lifting him up and slamming him to the ground!


These last two were actually pretty good! SQUISH! I felt one of the the girls daggers in my shoulder, I've fought more injured! I reached around and took it out, swung it just in time to block her next dagger! I flicked it at the male, it landed in his leg.

Lilith looked at me with anger, she lunged at me! She went to stab me, but I kept avoiding her attacks. She had no openings when she attacked! I decided to risk it!

 the betrayed avengerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora