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It's been a week since we arrived on  earth, the pills are about to expire, which is what I'm waiting for. You see, I convinced the team to let me do an experiment,  in short I was going attack Annebeth with my original appearance.

Doing so will reveal whether or not she's a Sin, but part of it is getting her alone. But I had a plan for that. 


The way that Percy presented the plan pretty good, Annebeth was kinda the leader of camp, so it's natural we'd bring questions to her. For example: this demigod is having troubled getting in, which happens sometimes when a titan has a child.

So that would bring Annebeth to where we are,  Josh,  Greg,  and katelyn we have recording devices ready to record the fight,  tweaking her as the traitor to explain why we killed her. 

Everything was in place until... she wasn't at camp!

~few minutes ago

I walked into a crowd of demigods, "Hey, have you seen Annebeth? " I asked

They all shook their heads and said no! But I was directed to Chiron, so in order to keep the charade up, I went to him to keep charade.


"Thanks for coming, Chiron." I thanked as we were heading where Percy was waiting! I noticed Josh was watching! I made eye contact, he simply nodded before disappearing!

It took a few more minutes before we got to where Percy was, hopefully he was long gone when we got here.

I didn't see him, "he must've left." Chiron concluded

"No, I just sat by a tree." Came a familiar voice

Percy walked out from behind a tree, "Chiron immediately drew his bow, "what are you doing here?" He snapped

I took a deep breath, had to keep calm!

"I have proof of my innocence." He stated calmly

Chiron lowered his bow a little, "what proof is that?"

He pulled out a stone slab, one that I recognized, it was from the museum of enemies: the slab of Sins!

I see! That's good plan! He's doing the same thing as Her!

"Where did you get that?" I asked, hoping it was touched I surprise

He looked at me, "Mexico." I laughed! A week before we arrived a museum was robbed! Nice quick thinking!

Chiron nodded, "may I see it? " he went to hand it to Chiron before he let out a cry of pain! He laughed before stepping forward, "That's what happens when you leave a pantheon."

He grabbed the slab, his face scrunched up, "I can't read this. " he gasped

"It's the language of Chaos,  only this who are blessed by Chaos, or betrayed past the breaking point,  can read it." I explained

He paled, "What does it say? "

"In the universe, there few creatures that match the power of the destroyers, being of so much power that they primordials tremble in their presence! Be warned,  at the time I'm writing this tablet, there are no known weaknesses!"

Chiron paled, "primordials... tremble?" He mumbled

"But,  what you really need to be worried about isn't the destroyers, but their seven generals, The Seven Sins: Pride, Envy,  Lust, Greed, Gluttony,  sloth, and Wrath. Their power is only matched by two: Chaos and End."

While reading the tablet, I noticed that this was just a copy!

Chiron cleared his throat, "h-How does th-this prove your inno-innocence?" He stuttered at Percy

"Only good people can touch the tablets of Chaos. " I replied

Annabeth ~Last week

I listed as Percy explained his plan to prove I'm a Sin. it was a good plan,  for him,  whay he didn't know was that I was heading to Olympus in a week!

If they didn't think I'd have surveillance in every cabin, they don't understand war! I laughed, hard!

Percy- same time

I knew that the cabin had surveillance,  so I asks needed another plan,  because she would find a way to counter the one I just told them!

~Two days later

I passed the gift shop spotting the title
'Museum thief still unknown!'. That's when my plan formed!


I watched Chiron's factual expressions change throughout the reading of the tablet.

"Percy,  I'm so sorry. " he muttered

"It's fine, I don't want back into camp, all i want is revenge. " I replied

His eyes filled with sorrow, "we really broke you, didn't we? "

"Yes, I  those sixth months I was repeatedly broke and rebuilt, my name is no longer Percy Jackson,  son of Poseidon." I said, full of distaste, I despise that name! "I am Percy Thorson, son of Thor!"

Chiron took a step back, I remembered that stating your name gives soldiers of Chaos power, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Chiron rubbed his chin, "Well then, nothing says the son of Thor can't enter camp half blood. "

"You believe I'm innocent? " I asked

He nodded, "I've believed in you since the murdered demigods."

"Then don't be mad..."


I had heard a name spoken,  one that hasn't been heard in ten years! Percy Thorson! My son has returned,  five years after I became king!

I looked at my first I command, "Toff."

He looked at me, "Yes, milord?"

"My son is on earth, tell Heimdall to find him."


"My son is on earth, tell Heimdall to find him." Thor ordered!

Percy has returned? I smirked,  rematch time, "of coarse, milord." I would make that pathetic demigod pay!

Last time he picked a fight,  now it's my turn!


I felt his presence appear for a second! He's on earth,  somewhere in the West coast of America!

"Reveal: Percy son of Thor!" I chanted throwing a dart at a map of Midgard

It landed just outside of Manhattan, New York by the place labeled camp half blood.

Was he captured when he returned? I cracked my knuckles, maybe I should make some mischief.

"Alex." I called to my daughter, who appeared besides me

"Yes, father? "she asked, she looked about twelve,  because she was, black hair and orange eyes

"I'm going out,  if anyone asks where,  tell them to look at the board. " she looked sad, "Just kidding, grab your grimoir."

Her smile grew, "let's go!" She yelled as she waved her hand making a little red book appear in her hand,  she was smiling proudly!

"That's my girl!" I chuckled


I pointed at a tiny bubble at my feet,  it immediately started growing to the size of the big building the Olympians use as their base.

"Rise, the son of my love..." I commanded as the face of an old enemy of camp half blood.

"PLEASE!"cried a young man inside the bubble with the giant creature, "DON'T PUT HIM BACK INSIDE ME!" I heard him start sobbing

"Stop crying,  host!"

Can you guess this enemy?

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