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Peter has kept his promise to keep quite about my secret, he's even helped me with a few delicate things, such as taking out monsters. They're annoying, and they take up time. So I spent my nights taking care of them, except Saturday, I sleep all day Saturday.

"Percy?" Peter asked me when we were sitting in the park


" Why can you kill the monsters so easily? "

I thought about it, "Because they don't stay dead, they reform I tartarous for the sole purpose of killing."

He looked at me, "they just come back?"

I nodded, "they've been trying to kill me since I was twelve."

His mouth gaped, "Are you the person in the stories that Thor's friend told?"

I nodded, "my life is cursed, three old ladies do what they want with my life, and I have to follow their will."

Peter looked at me with sadness.

"Come on, we should go." I said suddenly, "that should make this a cease fire zone."


I was pissed! I was so close to killing Percy! Yet he survived! Hee was stronger than I thought! Jason didn't even have time to use the thunderbolt!

I was glowing with anger, since he's still alive I have to pretend to be Annebeth longer!

"Annebeth!" Called my 'brother', "the Hunters are here!"

I groaned, Thalia!


It's time to visit camp half blood. Play some capture the flag, relax, dig up clues about the Percy incident.

I saw Thalia's tree, as they call it, marking the border of camp half blood. The Hunters always hated coming here, I don't blame them either, all the males flirt, except two: one because he's never here this times of year, and Percy.

Gods! The one good male! Banished!

As we approached I noticed a large funeral pire! And places for twenty plus bodies! What happened?

I look around for Chiron, I notice him in the back of the crowd, I hurry over to him, "what happened?" I asked

He looked at me with cold eyes, "Percious Jackson, came back for revenge." Was all he said!


Percy is doing well, almost like my daughter can break him all over again! I laugh, when will this Hero learn? He can't trust anyone!

I start laughing hysterically!


I watch as Percy is slowly recovering from being broken, he's fixing himself. I'm glad, my trump will be useable!

I relax, "remain strong hero."


I go over the info Jarvis has collected, I've gotten files on everyone on the list except this Chiron. Also they all disappear in the woods outside of Manhattan!

"Sir, I found video involving most of the people in the list."

Really? "Show me."

It was a street camera, it showed the six of them going into a building carrying...PETER!

"Jarvis, when was this?"

" Just after Percy's first day of school. "

Why would they go after peter?

 the betrayed avengerWhere stories live. Discover now