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Me and Thor arrived at avengers tower,  everything was dark, the only thing i could think was, "oh, no! Not a..."

Everything turned on and several people jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!"


The avengers planned a party to celebrate my return.  There was cake and cheap games.

Everyone seemed happy,  but i saw them look at me with concern in their eyes! But I knew why, i almost died just to disappear for three months.

The party was alright, but i started to notice that nothing was blue! It was almost as if they made the tower a blue free zone! Why would they?

I didn't think about it long, as i was enjoying the party.  When it finally died down it was almost morning! The moon was starting to disappear,  and i knew i had to do something.

I walked out to the helipad, just then I saw the sun, "I, Percious Achilles Jackson,  hereby leave the greek pantheon,  forever giving my soul to the Norse pantheon.  Negating any and all promises to the greek gods!"

Suddenly a loud boom could be heard! It sounded like thunder,  but a thousand times stronger!

3rd pov camp half blood

The campers were eating breakfast when they heard a familiar voice,  one that filled that with anger, all except one, who was beginning to doubt what he had been told!

"I, Percious Achilles Jackson,  hereby leave the greek pantheon,  forever giving my soul to the Norse pantheon.  Negating any and all promises to the greek gods!"

Camp exploded into udder chaos!

3rd pov Olympus

The gods were still arguing about about the prophecy when they heard the voice of Percy Jackson.

"I, Percious Achilles Jackson,  hereby leave the greek pantheon,  forever giving my soul to the Norse pantheon.  Negating any and all promises to the greek gods!"

The gods went silent for a few minutes,  before Hades growled,  Artemis produced a tear,  Zeus laughed,  the rest just stayed silent. Wondering what that meant.

They peered down onto earth just in time to see three large objects land in different locations! From each of them,  they felt power that rivaled the primordials!

What just happened?  They appeared at one of the sites in Brazil,  only to see a giant... creature,  it held very little familiarity to anything that they have seen!

It had five legs, with about a fifteen foot radius, a Pentagon shaped body, and the head of a dragon, the whole thing was pitch black!

Zeus immediately threw his masterbolt!


I watched as something collided with the street below! It moved and I immediately knew that it was trouble!
It didn't help when it's head rose up until it was level with me,  on the top of avengers tower! It's face was about ten feet wide while ten feet tall!

It looked like a GIANT snake, but had the face of a lion, while the whole thing was gold! I felt my heart speed up,  it was going so fast that I didn't feel it anymore!

Honestly I was paralyzed!

PEW! I watched as a blast of light collided with it, i felt the air from the explosion,  but it didn't move!


I collided with a destroyer in "France", it was a pure white one! The strongest kind! I engaged in battle with it!

 the betrayed avengerWhere stories live. Discover now