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I was sitting around the ping pong with the other councillors discussing what had transpired when everything went black!

~line break

My head hurt, a lot! Why was I do cold? I looked down and saw a pipe coming from my chest!

"WHY!?" Asked a dark voice

"Because, I'm going to win!" Laughed another

I pushed rubble off of me, wasn't I in the big house? My muscles felt like they were on fire!

I attempted to stand up, but immediately fell! Was I dying?


Everything was destroyed! I looked around, there was no 'camp half blood', just rubble!

There was a lone figure in the middle, he was completely black, like the night sky, complete with little specks of white!

I felt my rage grow! "WHY? "

"Because, I'm going to win!" It Laughed! "You know of me as END!"

I felt the last bit of my sanity slip away!


I felt myself wake up, oh, is been so long! I was in the body of Percy Thorson! So that's his name! This is the first creature able to contain my essence!

Lets see, these memories indicate that the creature in front of me is evil!

"H-how?" It asked, with a tinge of fear

"How what? " I asked

It changed from a black, to a perple, is that how it's pronounces? No! Purple!

"Are you alive? " it clarified, I like that word!

"Simple, when I died, pieces of my essence flew around the cosmos, whenever one would touch a creature, it would disappear with the speck. Until a piece landed on this young boy, when he was twelve!
"It was while he was fighting Ares!"

"So, your just a speck of yourself? " he mumbled, right before attacking, there was a sudden flash.

"I can't believe people read this!" I laughed, "the author sucks! He's very bad with fight scenes! Comment if you agree!"


BOOOM! I looked down at earth again, knowing that it was worse than seeing all of camp half blood dead.

It was, the world was doing a reset! There was so much power concentrated on earth... that everything was changing!

Contanites were shifting, not a few inches but enough for people to get sea sick!

The poles were melting, the planet wasn't even rotating! Everything on the planet was dying!

"All allies of Olympus come!" I ordered, this was what we were going to have for this time around!

Most of the minor gods and goddesses, a couple dozen half bloods including: Frank, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Piper, Nico, Reyna, and another figure that disappeared immediately! Not to bad, last time we only had Hercules, that was horrible!

Time to explain what's happening...


I opened my eyes, shouldn't I be dead? I focus on the last thing I can remember


I had END by the throat, yet I want in control of my body!

"My son, I'm sorry i have to kill you. " I mutter to him

BOOM! Suddenly I was facing both END and CHAOS!

"I see your both reunited again. " I mutter, "Beginning and Trickery. "

They both look at me, I get the feeling that I can't win!

"Well, let's see what happens when I blow up all my specks!" I laughed, BOOM!

~flashback end

So yeah, I died. Am I alive somehow? I tapped my arms, they're real. Then my knees, all good. My chest: squishy?

I looked and saw that, "I have breasts!" I cautiously reached between my legs: not my usual equipment!

"Am I possessing someone? " I asked aloud


I was patrolling the woods for lady Artemis when I heard the explosion. I cautiously sought it out when I came across a sleeping girl, about fifteen. She was pretty: black hair, skinny, but not too skinny.

Should I bring her to Artemis?

Suddenly she sat up! She didn't notice me behind her, she just sat there for a second before tapping her arms, then her legs.

She stood up tapped her chest, she paused for a second before looking down, "I HAVE BREASTS!" Did she hit her head?

I looked away when I saw her hand trail down to her legs.

Artemis... I prayed

Yes my sister?

I found a girl who send confused that she's a girl...

"Did i possess someone? " she muttered, "no, I should be wondering why on not dead more than why I'm a female. "

"That her? " asked a sudden voice beside me, I turned to see Artemis

"Yes. "

"WHAT HAPPENED TO CAMP HALF BLOOD? " she suddenly screamed


The girl was taking about something that should be impossible: the last cycle, that started seventy five years ago! The survivors are still building the new camp!

I looked at her, there was something about her!

"Per-per-Petunia? " she started muttering

"Hello." I called out, when she turned around I saw her eyes, her sea green eyes.


Two figures stood in a void of nothing, both eyeing each other when one finally y speaks, "How about a truce, we don't fight for ten thousand years?" One asks, the other simply nods before leaving.

That's the end of this book, I'll start the sequal soon!

 the betrayed avengerWhere stories live. Discover now