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Percy danger! Ship to slow! Thirty minutes left! I smash Percy enemies!


I was nervous! Last we heard, Percy's squad was going to engage the Sin! The stupidity!

I will have to beat the crap out of him, when he gets better! But first, we eliminate the Sin, okay, Hulk eliminates the Sin!

Then we have to deal with Tatarus! Shouldn't be too hard! I mean, he beat another primordial when he was seventeen, Tartarus should be a cake walk!

I crack my knuckles in anticipation. I was also going to pay a visit to an Annebitch.

Twenty five minutes to go!


Why do I always forget to make people swear on the river styx?
If I did i wouldn't be chasing Artemis and her hunters through the woods! At least the crazy thunder storm at sea was done!


For these past ten years, me and my hunters were hunting Percy for his 'crimes', I was the only one who knew he was innocent!

Thalia was always talking about how she was going to make him pay, she actually planned to kill him! What has this world come to? When we crossed the camp borters we immediately felt an overwhelming pressure! It would push Gaea to her knees!

We immediately headed towards it, it led us to the beach, it had four figures petrified on their knees looking at two figured a decent distance away from them. I signaled for Thalia to check the figures


We were so close to him! I could smell it! We arrived at the beach, Artemis signed me to check two figures, one was JASON! He was tied up! I recognized the knot, it was Annebeth's!

I glanced at the other body and immediately regretted it! It was Annebeth: when she was nine! She was missing a chunk of her face!

I couldn't help myself when I vomited! It wouldn't stop! Annebeth! She was dead! Why was she so young? Was that the only way Percy could kill her?

Suddenly I heard the sound of swimming, bad swimming, I turned and saw the impossible: Annebeth at her true age, and alive!

But her limbs were bent at weird angles, her head has a dent in it, most of her body was black and blue! I went to hug her when I saw smoke billowing from her body!

Why? That only happens to the enemies of the sea! "I envy the freedom of these demigods." She muttered before collapsing!

It seems Artemis noticed as well, because she was there before I was, "Thalia wait!" He ordered while she was over there, suddenly the smoke stopped, I saw another figure on the ground: Percy Jackson!

I growled, now's my chance! I knocked an arrow, I was ready to shoot, but Artemis shook her head! Why? The traitor is right there!

I lowered my bow, "I'll explain later. " she added


every time I come across this child, he's in worse condition than last time! At least he has a different feeling than last time.

Last time he felt broken and alone, now he feels at ease, like he has something to live for. Then I look at these injuries and question that assessment. Both his lungs, one of his kidneys, and his heart are pierced, several other minor organs are missing, he has over twenty other holes in his body that go all the way through! His spine is missing three vertebrae!

 the betrayed avengerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ