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1. They're invincible until they lose to much energy, keep hitting!

2. They inside of their bodies (after the throat) can be damaged with vertical cuts

Those are the the only two known weaknesses that the destroyers have. At least I know that now! That'll make killing them easier!


I was in the gym at my house, I was training! Sadly, I can't train all night fit to many nights. I can go for three days straight,  then I'm out for a day, I do it so that i sleep during the days I have off, I start during Thursday till  Saturday. That was my schedule so that I could get the most out of my time!

I needed to get strong enough to kill a being as strong as Chaos, only then will I have avenged my family.

~ten years later

I sit with the rest of my graduating class, ten years! That how long it took me to become a recognized soldier! I'm officially allowed to fight destroyers.

I watch as a commander calls us up to put our hand in a pad signifying our allegiance to Chaos, it was boring. I liked their style though, they started with the bottom of the class and worked their way up: In other word, I've been waiting for the past hour and a half.

There were five of us left: "Michael Myers," the number five walked up, "Brian O'Conner , " the fourth, "Dexter Morgan, " the third, (Name the three shows (movies and tv series)) "Greg Castellan," he walks up, the one who felt like he needed to fight me every week! He walked up, put his hand on the pad, glaring at me the whole time! "Percious Jackson!" I walked up, put my hand on the pad, it read it for a few moments before turning green.


I was heading towards Chaos' office, he had wanted to speak to me. I hope it's quick, I have dinner with Nabe today! We had stared dating a few years back, it was after that incident!


I was worried about Percy, he was doing well, no doubt about it! But Her had friend cold...ever since there that incident!

~flash back 3rd pov

Nabe had just gotten back too Percy's house from shopping, she had made it a Monday tradition to sit down and eat dinner. She knew at Percy was at school training as he usually did, they had better equipment he explained and Hulk was supervising him.

Percy had grown over the past few years, his powers... Way stronger! He was fighting simulated titans under intense gravity! Don't get out wrong, every member of Chaos' army had the strength of a minor God, but to fight a titan is on another level than a god!

"Oh well, guess I'll start cooking, tonight we'll have a traditional Earthen meal..." Nabe stated, "Maybe spaghetti... or burritos, yeah, burritos! "

She was so focused that she didn't realize that someone was behind her! In an instant she was being forced over a table, "what do we have here?" Asked an arrogant voice, "a half breed!"

She felt a hand on her butt, her eyes went wide, that's when she realized what he was going to do! She gulped! She tried to ignite her flames but it didn't work! "That's right, no magic!" It laughed, " just you, me, and a good.... " he was explaining before his voice suddenly became gags! She looked behind herself to see Percy holding him by the back of the neck, his feet a good two feet off the ground!

"You dare come into my house and lay your hands on my friend?" He asked, his voice was full of hate!

"Pwees haff mercky!" He begged, Percy just looked at him before jerking his hand, killing him!

 the betrayed avengerWhere stories live. Discover now