Chapter 8

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That night Aurora had trouble sleeping. Her mind kept going back to her meeting with Cyrus.
'Cyrus, the name suits him.' She thought.
He was blonde. With a perfect square jaw and pretty eyes. They were either green,blue or grey. She wasn't sure. You can't blame her, its easy to remember someone's hot. Not what all contributes to that.
She made sure to check him out properly the next time they met. Not that she was eager to meet Cyrus. He might have been just fine for company today, but you never know. Its always better to stay away from politicians.
One day in the castle and it was already too eventful. Aurora sighed.

On the other side of the palace
'You never told you were related to a pop star"
Cyrus said accusingly to Luke
" I thought you'd know" he knew he wouldn't.
Cyrus gave him a look
"How does it matter anyway?"
"Yeah, it doesn't" Cyrus replied. It didn't. She was just a pretty- PETTY human thats all. She didn't even look anything extraordinary. Jeans, t shirt, hair in a bun. Normal. Too normal actually shouldn't she be wearing something formal more..Maybe like- at that Cyrus had to put a full stop to his thoughts. Was he seriously thinking about someones outfit. Shaking his head almost disgusted with himself he put his mind on more useful things. Things that seriously required his attention. Like the rebellion that took place in Africa. What do these people think, an alpha is going to solve everything.
Well they're dumb if they do. Nothing is truly selfless, these wolves guiding them to mutiny are not selfless. One win and those people will be stuck with a worse life.
Doesn't make a difference however. Nobody wins against Cyrus.

Holding an empire like his,not easy. The fact that everything is still under his control, speaks more for him than any words ever could.
Everything had to be according to his wishes.
Everywhere. And anyone who created a nuisance was dealt with.
So it wasn't exactly Cyrus' fault he was used to things going his way. If they didn't he made them. Thats what a king does. Takes control.
And it was frustrating for him that he couldn't control his thoughts. What was wrong with him.
A stupid girl had enough power to creep her way back in his mind. Or maybe it was the fact she was related his best bud.
Yes that was the reason. He kept justifying himself while he asked his IT professional for her information.
She was pretty extraordinary. But nothing completely new. Nothing was ever really new for Cyrus. It was depressing if  he gave too much thought to it. Everything was so stagnant for him. His early years were filled with war. Then came the fooling around and finally being a king. It changed things, not just for others but for himself. It gave him purpose. Something to focus on. Something to make it easier to get up every morning.
It was a blessing and a curse at the same time.
Curse most of the time but addictive nevertheless. Power always is. Power was what Cyrus had always craved. And now he couldn't let go. Not for himself and definitely not for anyone else.

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