Chapter 10

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1k , 1 freaking k.
I can't even begin to explain how happy I am.
Thank you so so sooo much! ☺️💕

Aurora and Dimitri had identical grins on their faces. Grins that were anything but the expression of joy.

"I have to say, my king, what an honour it is to be in your presence" Dimitri mentioned in the most cunning, charming voice he could muster. That was the time when Cyrus took actual notice of the two foreign men in his court. He didn't deen his comment with a reply. One of the perks of being King was you answered to yourself and nobody else. Social conduct was based on your terms.

"Allow me to introduce you to the rest-"
"This is Lord Jonah, hand of the king as might know him,"
Lucas started to introduce the other court members. It was a series of nods and fake smiles.
Lord Jonah was built like a hulk. He was attractive just not the kind Aurora was into.With dark black hair cut short a battle scar near his lip and that constant lack of smile was clearly not welcoming.
Dimitri however, felt a certain attraction to him. Cold ,dark ,brooding guys were his sort. If he were to place them all, he'd say Jonah resembled the bitch from mean girls.
Then there was Commander Harvey a lean guy with the perfect cheekbones who seemed to be constantly ogling his best friend. That will be the evil manwhore.
Then there was an Edward obviously, a short man with a moustache. He must be the brains.
Harvey stepped forward and made an extra effort to get known. " The camera does you no justice miss Casper, you are clearly more stunning than any human should be allowed to be."
Oh my,
Aurora hated being praised for her beauty. It's so shallow and objectifying that it makes her feel like a vase. Couldn't that H guy just praise her for her voice, but no. He had to.
She gave a tight lipped smile to him. The perfect combination of an I'm embarrassed and and flattered.
"I'm pretty sure it's the makeup Lord Harvey." She ended up saying with a grin. Yup, play the I'm-oblivious-to-my-beauty card.Works every. freaking. time.
"Oh plea-
"Harvey, we don't have time to waste." Cyrus interrupted. He was getting annoyed by every passing minute. What was wrong with everyone?
Wasting time in petty conversations. Time is power. Or maybe it's Aur-
He didn't let that thought finish.
"It was lovely meeting you."
Cyrus said directly looking at Aurora. That definitely did not go unnoticed. Especially by Lucas. It made him wonder if his decision to call Aurora here was wrong.
They went to the gardens after that. The king and his minions had taken their leave.
The gardens were spectacular.
None of them made an effort to hide their delight. There were all sorts of species of flowers. Pretty lilies, blue orchards, the brightest yellow roses.
Aurora went ahead and touched every flower. It was a very peaceful experience for her. They stayed there for some time before returning to their rooms.
More like returning to Aurora's room.
"Something you'd like to tell us Aurora?"
Both Nick and Dimitri said at the same time. It was kinda funny actually, how they both said it at the same time and that too standing in a similar stance. With arms crossed and eyes on her.
"It was Nothing" she huffed
Nothings are more important that somethings.

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