Chapter 15

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"Your highness"
What that actual fuck?
Aurora turned her head to the right to see the king near the railing.
The moonlight fell on his godlike structure and illuminated his figure. His hair shined and those grey eyes looked darker than the night itself.
His piercing gaze was on her now,
"Your highness?" that came out more squeaky than expected. Whenever Aurora sees him, she just gets lost. That's probably why she forgets to wish him.

On the other hand Cyrus felt so relaxed, now that he was close to her. He didn't know about her but for him, the attraction was instant. He was never really interested in anyone anymore. Everything was just, dull. This little spark of attraction he felt was new and interesting, something he would not let go before giving it a shot.
Aurora was still in her black dress. She naturally looked surprised to see him. But he already knew she was going to be here. In fact, he made sure she was.
Just after dinner, he had pulled Lucas to a side and told him to take Aurora to the roof.
Cyrus could see the wariness and uncertainty in his eyes. But Lucas knew better that to ask Cyrus of his decisions or in this case deny his request.

Cyrus looked at Aurora and passed a sly smile,
"Are you following me, Miss Casper?"
A gasp left her mouth and the king seemed to be enjoying himself.
"Wa- nooo" she gave him an are-you-kidding-me-how-on-earth-did-you-assume-that look. Long story short, she looked flustered.

Aurora closed her mouth and opened it again. She suddenly seemed to snap out of it and compose herself.
"I could say the same to you." She said confidently.
It sounded better in her mind. Much better.
Is he offended? Are we still joking? Was he even joking to being with?! Am I a dead woman. Oh God, I'm sooo dead-

Cyrus looked at her in the eye and cocked a brow. The confidence in her crumbled.

He couldn't help himself but smirk.
"You could" that sound like a challenge.
Aurora felt her throat go dry. Cyrus was looking at her so intensely, it felt like he was staring into her soul.

"Uhm— I uh, remembered something. I'll need to go for a bit. You'll be able to find your way back. Right, Aurora?"
That made her remember that uncle Luke was still here.
"Yeah, I guess."
And just like that he was gone in an instant.
Aurora knew there were guards somewhere. Lurking in the shadows, protecting their king.
But still,
It felt like it was just him and her.
Cyrus and Aurora.
Aurora and Cyrus.
With just the night sky to keep them company.
What beautiful company she thought.
After stalling as much as she could, she lifted her gaze back to Cyrus'. She knew he was looking at her. It was making her uncomfortable. She felt like she was under observation, which she was, probably being judged.

"Do you come here a lot, my king ?"

Normally, no one dares ask Cyrus a question. Nothing personal. Never.
Aurora didn't seem to know that and he was glad.

"Um hum." He hummed in response. "It's beautiful isn't it?"
"It is." She agreed wholeheartedly and looked at the sky.
The moonlight illuminated her face and made her look like she was glowing. Like a goddess.
Cyrus seemed to take an involuntary step closer to her.

She noticed that only when they were close enough to not look professional.
Her heart raced.

Thump thump - thump thump - thump thump

Cyrus could not only hear her pulse rate increase but her breath hitch.

Aurora wanted to take a step back but she stayed rooted to her place.
Cyrus raised his hand to her hair but she didn't flinch.

She just looked at his every move with eyes wide like doe.

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She shivered.

"Tell me Aurora, are you scared of me?"

"Should I be?" She didn't even think before asking that.

He gave her a lopsided smile.
His fingers grazed her face and his thumb touched her lip.

That simple touch sent sparks through Cyrus' body and looking at Aurora's face, she felt no different.

Whatever daze she was in, Aurora snapped out out of it.
The wrongness of their situation became more apparent to her.
She did take a step backward.

"I should, go"

Why did that seem like a rejection?
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