Chapter 9

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"Uh..what are you doing?"
Aurora asked Dimitri
" What does it look like, cupcake."
"Seriously, I don't think you're allowed to post."
" I'm not posting I'm just clicking pictures." Dimitri said with an eye roll.
"We'll post 'em later"he added quietly.
At that Aurora had to roll her eyes. Classic Dimitri.

It felt a lot better to roam around the castle, now that Aurora had Nick and Dimitri with her along with Uncle Luke of course.
Lucas was also giving them a tour along with a brief history about the castle's architecture. It seemed like only Nick was interested. Aurora might have shown interest but her mind was somewhere else. More like on someone else. She hadn't told anyone about her chance meeting with Cyrus. Not even Dimitri and she shared everything with him.  

What if Lucas introduced them to Cyrus? What would she do then?

The only thing keeping her calm right now was that she had done her long due homework yesterday night.

She knew how to greet royals properly and all the important stuff about the royal society. Not that she didn't know about it already (that shit's always there in Cosmo) but its good to brush up on facts.

"...and this is the throne room"

At that Aurora jerked her neck upwards to see how it looked. Needless to say, it was beautiful, aesthetic, regal but that's not what caught her eye.

It was the man in black with his fleet of lords whose faces she couldn't focus on.

why doesn't he ever wear a crown, damn it!

Her eyes didn't lie to her yesterday. The king was indeed the definition of masculinity. He had the aura of power and danger around him. Grey. The colour of his eyes.
How did she not notice it before?
They were mesmerising.

"your royal highness" three male voices all on their knees.

"your highness," she said quickly after them and averted her eyes from him to the floor as she curtsied.

Cyrus walked towards them with a stoic face and held out his hand for her. He didn't do that usually. Letting strangers (subjects to be precise) touch him or get close was not his thing. What he did right now was completely instinctual. and unusual

Aurora held his hand in her's and kissed the amethyst ring on his finger. That's what you're supposed to do, right? 

Do you remember the giddy -giggly feeling you get when you ride a Columbus? That's how it felt.

"Rise" his voice sounded huskier. 'damn it!' thought Cyrus. where was this whole 'teenage hormonal boy ' attitude coming from?

Their eyes locked as soon as she stood up.Her cheeks were flaming with embarrassment. Events of last night played in her mind. Was he going to acknowledge that? His stare was definitely unhelpful.

"Aurora" He remembered her name!
It was probably-hopefully the last time she would encounter something like this.
popstars are famous. period. Their private moment in this public place was broken by Lucas' voice

"Cyrus, this is Demitri Salvatore and this is Nick Black" he introduced them "And you seem to already know my niece." That sounded a bit accusing?

"we have met" Cyrus mentioned so casually it should have bothered no one. But it did. Oh, it did.

Aurora didn't dare look at Dimitri or Nick. She knew exactly what she would find.

It was the grace of age and mastery in facial expressions or Dimitri's eyes would have popped out of their sockets.

So this is what being in deep awkward royal shit felt like. Huh, not fun.

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