Chapter 17

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It was 4 in the morning and Cyrus had not had an ounce of sleep. Then again he never did. Sleep was just a luxury for vampires, not a need.
"Yes, what do you want Jonah?" Cyrus gave an annoyed look to Jonah, his second in command and best friend.
"I called you like three times and you just stared at the wall smiling...It was creepy"
They were in Cyrus' office.
"It's nothing"
"Really 'Cause your cheeks seem a tad red" Jonah smirked.
"Do I look like a teenage girl who's going to squirm in her seat by you foolish teasing?"
Cyrus had a dangerous glint in his eyes as he smiled baring his fangs.
"Relax man, I just wanted to tell you the meeting with the senator is gonna be at 11 in the morning."
"Cancel it" Cyrus gave a curt reply.
"What?" Jonah couldn't comprehend what he heard. Cyrus never rescheduled or said a no to a meeting or work in general.
"You heard me"
"But, why?" The caused Cyrus to look a him.
You are not supposed to question your king.
Jonah quickly corrected himself.
"I mean, you got other plans I need to know about?"
"I'm taking Aurora around...make the arrangements."
Jonah looked at Cyrus. Really looked at him and...grinned, like a boy who got his favourite toy.
He knew whom he was talking about. Everyone in the palace knew. After all its not everyday the king gives attention to a human.
"She's pretty isn't she? And might I say she smelled divine."
Cyrus could feel his blood boil.
"Yes" he growled in Jonah's direction.
And she's mine
Hung in the air. It wouldn't take a genius to know with that deadly look on Cyrus' face that one more word from Jonah and there will be blood.
His to be precise.
Jonah couldn't help but be surprised and happy at the same time.
Aurora couldn't help but let her mind wander. She wasn't blind but neither was she hopeful. The King behaved weird with her.

There is never much talk about Cyrus' love life. Then again, nobody was even be sure how he looked like. With no official photograph on the internet and not many personal matters making the headlines one could only assume him to be reclusive.

Quite the opposite of her.

The whole world seemed to know her. There was very little of personal life that she could even call personal.

She was the opposite of him.

While he would never let his emotions show, she couldn't hide them no matter how hard she tried.

While he held the power to kill and hurt physically, Aurora would only resort to words that too in dire need.

While he didn't give two fucks about the world, Aurora cared too much. It seemed the music industry had sucked her into the web of social standard and social image.

It was best for her to stay away from him.
Ironic as she was dressing right now to meet the very man who could be her biggest mistake.

There was only one thing common in them, they both got what they set their minds to.

If he thinks, I'm a toy at his mercy...he's wrong.
Sorry for the uneventful chapter updated too late. It's just I wanted to convey what is going in their heads.
And I've been uninspired and lazzyyyy.
But anyways, do vote if you liked it!

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