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Ahh! Thank you for 1k!!! I'll do a Q&A even tho no one is going to give questions for me to answer. But please comment your questions and to who the question is for! Again, thank you soo much!!!

I was reaching for my belt when we heard a scream next door. We both jumped at the noise, me getting up from my omega to see what was going on. I pulled on a jacket to cover the problem downstairs and opened the door to see Hoseok in front of Namjoon's door, a Ryan plushie being thrown at him from inside.

"G—Get out!" I heard Jin shriek. I peeked around the corner and choked on my spit before starting to laugh. Jin was laying on top of Namjoon, bodies pressed close together, Jin wearing only Namjoon's clothes which hid literally nothing and Namjoon wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. It was clear that they had been making out at some point. "Yoongi!" Jin whined. Namjoon rolled over so that his back was facing the door and got up, storming over and slamming the door in our faces, the lock clicking.

I was still laughing my ass off when I came back into my room, locking the door and flopping next to Jimin who had pushed up his blindfold with a pout.

The mood we had going was shoved completely out the window at the scene of Jin straddling Namjoon like that.

"What happened?" Jimin sighed, twisting his wrists so he could pick at the knot binding him. I helped him.

"Jin was scenting himself on Namjoon and Hoseok walked in. Hoseok was the one who screamed."

"Well I could tell that," Jimin scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry we couldn't do it," I apologized, setting the scarf and blindfold back into the box and sliding it back into my drawer.

"Can we still makeout though?"

"Baby, you know I'm always up for that," I growled, cupping his cheeks to kiss him.

I hadn't been able to talk to Jin hyung about the whole scenting scene because he's been in Namjoon's room the whole day. Hoseok and Yoongi had to make instant ramen for everyone minus the leader and the eldest. Jin's been a bit more clingy with Namjoon recently. Not just today, but since yesterday too. He started acting weird, thirsty almost.

He got like this sometimes and then mood swings would hit him and he would start screaming at you when you literally did nothing to make him upset. I heard Taehyung saying he was in what would've been his scheduled heat if it wasn't for the suppressants. Which would make a lot of sense because Jin wouldn't calm down until he smelled Namjoon. Hence, why he was staying in Namjoon's room.

I felt myself start to feel weird too. Not as moody as hyung, but a bit more whiny and needy. And I was hot a lot too. So I racked up on suppressants yesterday.

But I knew something was wrong when I started feeling really hot while everyone was out. I shook it off and took a cold shower, walking out to see Jin in bed with his nest of Namjoon's clothes.

"Hyung," I panted.

"Yes, Minie?" He asked, looking up from his book to see my flushed face.

"I feel hot. Really hot."

"Are you running a fever?" He frowned.

"I don't feel sick," I breathed heavily, my stomach twisting in knots as I flopped down onto my bed. "I just feel hot and my stomach hurts a little, but not like a sick stomachache."

Then his eyes grew.

"Jimin, did you take your suppressants today?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to fan myself off. "What are you talking about? Of course I di—"

I did not.

I froze when I realized this.

"Oh no, Jimin," Jin grimaced.

He quickly got out of his bed and grabbed his phone, going to leave the bedroom. He didn't get far before he collapsed on the floor.

"Hyung!" I cried out worriedly but then felt my lower body begin to radiate pain, slick starting to seep out of me.

My first heat had begun.

And now we begin.

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