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Five months later:

"Think he's kicking?" Yoongi whispered, hovering a hand over my swollen stomach.

"Why do you think I have to use the bathroom every two minutes?" I giggled, really wanting to touch my belly. But instead, I rested my hands on my lap. "Can you get the pictures again?"

"Baby, you've already looked at them five times today," he laughed, but getting the ultrasounds anyway. "We need to look for names," he reminded me, kissing my hair as we looked at the black and white images of our growing pup.

"What were you thinking?"

"It's not just up to me!" He exclaimed, making me giggle before pulling him down closer to me on our bed, pecking his lips.

"I love you," I whispered, smiling happily up at him. "Hyungie, we're having a baby."

"I know, you keep reminding me every day," he snorted before kissing me again. "And I can clearly see it."

"God, I can't wait to hold him," I sighed, gazing back down to the pictures and my stomach. "We're gonna cuddle him all day and give him all the goodnight kisses and give him all our love."

"That's right," he chuckled, kissing my cheek. "He's going to be so goddamn spoiled, he won't know how to not be."

I giggled and kissed him again, brimming with happiness at the pictures.
I squeezed Yoongi's hand as we checked into the hospital, a bag of books and other entertainment items in my other hand as we were escorted to a hospital room I would stay in until the birth. The doctors said I was allowed to walk around the grounds as long as I had a nurse or someone with me in case my water broke when I was walking around.

Yoongi helped me settle in and change into the airy hospital gown and lay down, feeling sleepy just after walking to the cafeteria and back.

"I'll be here," he promised, rubbing my thigh as he opened his laptop to work while I napped.

"Jaeyu," I mumbled.


"I like Jaeyu," I smiled, looking down at my belly.

"Then his name's Min Jaeyu," Yoongi confirmed, kissing my hand. "I'll be right next to you, just sleep."

I nodded and closed my eyes, returning the squeeze to my hand.
Jin's POV:

We were all waiting in Jimin's hospital room while he and his mate were in the delivery ward, just keeping ourselves busy. Jimin's water broke yesterday and he's been in labor since then.

"Was it like this when I was giving birth?" I asked, letting Siyeon feed under the blanket.

Namjoon and I found out that even male omegas could lactate and god, it's made things so much easier than warming up some milk in the microwave in the middle of the night when I could just pull up my shirt and let the twins feed until they passed out again. Of course, we'll have to wean them off of breast milk again, but for now, it's easier.

Although it's meant for rather innocent things, we had found out when I met a harsh orgasm and just suddenly started lactating. It scared the shit out of both of us, not gonna lie. We were freaking out and panicking. Namjoon almost called the emergency responders because we didn't know what was happening or what was coming out of my chest.

But the twins were very content with it and as long as they weren't crying in the god forsaken hours in the morning, it was more than okay.

"A little bit, but Jimin was really high on baby fever," Jungkook replied, playing a game on his phone. "Taehyung too, but not as much."

"I hope it doesn't take too much out of him," I thought out loud. "Having the twins was hard because there was two, but since there's only one, I hope it'll be easier."

"He'll be fine when he gets to hold him," Namjoon assured me. "He hasn't been able to touch his stomach through the entire pregnancy, he'll never want to let him go."

"That's true," I smiled, peeking under the blanket to see that Siyeon was passed out again, chubby cheek squished against my chest as she slept. I brought her out and gave her to Taehyung, drying myself a little and fixing my shirt before taking the blanket off.

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