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Nothing smutty for chapter 69, sorry. It didn't match with the plot. And I am working on the extras, hopefully they will be posted soon. I am making a new book for them called "Helping Series Extras" please stick around for that! Also, very sorry for this chapter.

We got to the room and Yoongi helped me out of my clothes and into the bath, first cold to try and calm the fever and then warm so I wouldn't start shivering to raise the hotness of my body.

He lifted me out of the bath and dried me off, helping me into loose pajamas and taking me to bed. He set a trashcan on my side of the bed just in case when a sudden sob went through my chest from the pain throbbing at every nook and cranny of my body. It felt like there were pins and needles on every inch of me, inside and out. Only they were swords. With six million pointy ends. On fire.

Yoongi uncapped a water bottle and helped me drink the burning water again, another louder cry piercing the air when the pain worsened.

"W—Water," I cried, holding my stomach. "I—It's the water!"

He looked at the water bottle before taking a drink out of it.

"Baby, it's just water. Drink some more for me, please."

He moved the bottle closer to me and I squirmed to get away from it.

"H—Hyungie, no! It hurts!"

"I know it hurts, baby. That's why you got to drink more water. We need to keep you hydrated."

I shook my head violently, tears and sweat dripping down my face as I curled around my stomach.

"It's the water," I cried, rocking in place to try and remove the misery my body was ranting about. He stood up, slamming the cap onto the water bottle. "W—Where are you going?"

"To ask what the fuck this is all about!" He shouted, fury in his eyes and tinting his cheeks as he held the water bottle up before he slammed the hotel room door shut, making my head ring in pain.
"What the fuck is going on?!" I shouted at the front desk.

"Sir, please calm down. What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? My husband in laying in bed with a hellish fever, migraine, and a bitch of a stomach cramp and I want to know why it gets worse when he drinks your fucking water!"

"Sir, please refrain from yelling," the lady said worriedly. "I'm not too sure, but I can get a manager, if you would like."

"I want fucking answers and I better get them," I roared. She nodded before running off down a hallway. She returned with two people. An older guy and a middle-aged woman.

"What seems to be the problem, sir?" The other lady asked.

"This," I said, slamming the bottle onto the desk. "My husband is very sick right now and it seems it gets worse when he drinks your water. What the hell is going on?"

"What are his symptoms?"

"He said the water burned and he's got a fever, migraine, and a demonic stomach cramp," I snarled, feeling the mating mark on my neck stab at me.

"Is he an omega by any chance?" The old guy asked.

"He is. What about it?"

"Our deepest apologies, but for some reason our drinks affect all omegas like that when they drink," he said. "The store across the street might help. We can give you a discount on your stay if you would like."

"I want to know why he's being affected like this," I snapped.

He sighed. "The people who deliver our water supplies do something to it, but I'm not sure what it is. I can call for a doctor to try and diagnose it."

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