Chapter Six

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Dance Machines

"Annyeong~" I smiled to the choreographer as he entered. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm guessing you're new here? I'm Sungwon by the way, manasseo bangapseumnida," he said then bowed. "Ne, I'm new here nice to meet you too," then I returned his bow.

We're about to talk more when Hoseok interrupted our coversation as he said he's excited to do the choreography. "Let's start? I'm also gonna help in choreographing all the songs." I said as I fixed my shirt. "We need to go for idol first because we're gonna film the music video in a few weeks since our comeback will be next month." Jungkook the bunny said while the others are busy doing something.

After two hours, with the help of Sungwon, and the dance line, I already mastered the whole choreography. It's already five o'clock. I also changed my clothes since I'm dripping wet now.

"Woah! You're really a good dancer! Niceu niceu~" Jin-ssi said as he clapped while I collapsed to the floor. Phew, this is sooo tiring. There are so many things I need to do after this as I need to choreograph for I'm Fine and help for the Seesaw, Just Dance, and Love. "Kamsahamnida~ I'm not really that great."

"What are you talking about? You're the best female dancer that I know. Let's have a dance collaboration soon." Hoseok said as I smiled, oh they're feeding me compliments so much huh. "Jinjja? I would love to! You're spoiling me with compliments now, hajimaaaa," I said as I pouted and they all just laughed.

"Lisa-yah, what is your favorite song in our Answer album so far?" Taehyung asked me, I avoided his gaze as I continue to wipe my face because of too much sweat. His gaze is actually intimidating, I think his whole existence is. "My favorite song is I'm Fine. I actually listen to it a lot this past few days."

"What about your favorite solo?" Jimin asked then everything went silent as they all looked at me. Hmm, I actually don't know 'cause I listen to it all and I love them all. "I love all actually. But if you ask me what song do I listen to the most, it would be Epiphany." I said then Jin-ssi suddenly jumped then gave me a high five. "That's world wide handsome for you." I laughed as the others groaned, "more like worldwide cutie guy, hahaha." I said then he just pinched my cheeks.

"Awwieee it hurts. My cheeks will not be slim anymore. You made it puffy huhu." I said then faked cry, he just laughed. "I prefer that you have chubby cheeks, so we can be the worldwide cutie guy and girl." Jin-ssi said then winked. Then Jungkook interrupted again, "Ah jinjja Jin hyung? Stop flirting with her." Then the members attacked his ass hahaha poor Jin-ssi.

"Okay let's resume to practicing now. For it to be easier, let's have dancing partners. The ones who already know the choreography will not be paired so that you can teach the other members, arraseo?" I said as I crossed my arms. They posed like those people who are in the military then answered, "Ne, Lisa-ssi!" I just laughed at them, gosh these dorks.

"Let's do rock paper scissors!" I said since we're only eight. Sungwon, the choreographer, already left to teach the dance to the backup dancers.

"Rock paper scissors!"

"Yaaaaahahaha I'm paired with Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok said as he danced happily and I joined him hahaha. We laughed at each other as the members laughed at us but there's one person who didn't, it's  Taehyung. I don't know why but I feel like he dislikes me. From the beginning, I noticed him sending me a few glares then a pokerface. Well, maybe he's in a bad mood, I'll just ignore him.

"Rock paper scissors!"

"Rock paper scissors!"

"Rock paper scissors!"

We already have pairs and guess what? "Okay the pairs are Me and Jimin, Jungkook and Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi, and Lisa and Taehyungie," Namjoon-ssi said then we all have our own side of the room as we practice. Taehyung-ssi just followed me as he still have his pokerface on. What happened? He's actually very friendly earlier then now he's like this? I can't deny he's hot though. Geez, what are you saying Lisa?!

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