Chapter Seven

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We then entered their van. It was really quiet so I feel uncomfortable. I'm not used to quiet places, being Lalisa means being dorky, noisy, crazy, and extroverted. Since I know they're tired because of their continuous practicing of their new choreography just to perfect it, I let them rest while we're on our way to our apartment building.

I sat on the shotgun seat while the driver is beside me. The seven are at the back. I leaned on the window as I watch the city lights and the dark sky.


“Lalalalalalisa~ Wakey wakey noona.” I heard someone as a hand pats my cheek. I groaned, I'm still sleepy.

“Go away, I'm sleeping.” I said as I shove away the hand that is patting my cheek. “You sleepyhead, wake up.” I heard another voice as I covered my face and ears to continue my deep slumber.

“WAAH! HAJIMA!” I shouted as I immediately woke up. “HAHAHAHA you look epic! I should have taken a picture of this.” Namjoon said as I stood up from the ground. What really happened? They just opened the door and since I'm leaning on the door, I fell, harshly.

“Yah y'all so harsh. I thought you're that goody good boys.” I said then pouted. I picked up my bag then rushed to the elevator, leaving them behind. “Wait for us! That's also our elevator!” Namjoon said then he pushed the elevator door open, letting the boys enter.

My phone rang, they all became silent. It's Beomseok. “Yes?”

“Noona, I miss you already. When are you going home? And please don't forget my banana milk.” Aww, he's so sweet.

“I miss you too, baby. Of course I wouldn't forget. It's late,” smiling, I said.

“Okay noona. I love you,” he said then made sound kisses.

“Hahaha, I love you too baby. Muah muah,” giggling, I hanged up the phone.

“Who's that? And why are you calling him baby? Is it your boyfriend?” Hoseok asked me, while making a pouty face. They're all looking at me.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked, smirking. He looks like a kid who didn't get his ice cream because he's misbehaving.

“Because I want to,” I feel that the tension is building up, it's suddenly so suffocating here. I stared at him, and he also stared back.

“Okay okay, let's not talk about it. The weather is good tonight, don't you think?” Jin suddenly said.

“Hahaha are you kidding me hyung? What a good way to start a conversation. By the way, how can you say that the weather is good if you're inside an elevator? Pabo.” Jungkook said as he laughs, it also made us laugh as Jin's eyes became wide.

“How dare you talk to your eomma like that? I did not raise you to be like that. I even feed you delicious food that I cook, you don't even know how to clean and just leave your briefs everywhere— hshavshabhss.” Wow, he becomes a rapper when annoyed hahaha, the rap line is shaking.

“Stop nagging at me hyung.” Embarassed Jungkook said as his ears became red. Their bickering continued until we reached our floor. I opened the door of my apartment and bid goodbye. I still have work tomorrow.

After I finished my routine, I laid down my bed as I looked into the ceiling.

I closed my eyes.

I can't sleep.

Then what happened flashed through my mind.

The dance. The kiss. The hoodie. When I was drunk. Jimin. Hoseok. Yoongi. Taehyung.

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