Chapter Fourteen

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Pretty Cute

A loud ring woke me up from my deep slumber. I tried to turn it off but like every five minutes it calls again. Ah, so annoying.

I still want to sleep. This will only be my two days break and then we need to go back to work again. But still, I can't say that it's really a break since we still have things to do but only just a few tasks.

Since the phone keeps ringing, I decided to answer it. Oh, it's appa.

                    Bang PD-nim
              Accept           Decline

The name of the caller ID of him is like that because of ever one of the staffs saw my phone and his caller ID is different, they will be suspicious.

“Why did you take so long answering the phone? You should give importance to time.” That's what he said to me. I know I will get a scolding because he doesn't want to call me so many times. That has been my problem because I don't really like calling or texting someone that much as I just really don't want to.

“I'm sorry. I'm still sleeping earlier.” I reasoned out.

“I'm sorry for bothering your sleep my daughter but I have something to say. I know it's break today for the staffs but you're exempted.” After he said that I was disappointed but not surprised. I actually kinda expected it because I'm only been working here for a few weeks and there's no way he's gonna make me have a break that early. Heck, I didn't even prove myself to him and to the company that I'm worth it yet.

“Um, yes, it's okay. Besides, I don't have any plans so it's okay for me to work. What is it that I'm gonna do?” I said with fake enthusiasm. It's actually really okay for me.

But the idea of not sleeping for the whole day for two days and just watching Netflix and eating tons of food is making me upset.

“You need to plan the Run! BTS today. You also need to settle the flight to LA and make sure that everything is already okay. You edit some of the Bangtan Bombs too. Then you check a few papers that I sent in your office and make a contract to our target investor. That's all. I'm sure that it's only a few and it's just easy.” What? Easy? Only a few? Wow. Okay. For the sake of the company, yes.

“Okay, appa. Please rest and don't stress too much okay? Please take care of yourself and also Jiyoo, Minwoo, Beomseok, and Eomma. I'll see you soon. Is that all?” I said hoping that he woudn't add more tasks.

“Yes, that's all. All those needs to be finished in two days only. The earlier, the better. Prioritize the contract first because by next month, you'll personally meet the investor for the contract signing. I'm expecting you to perfectly handle all those.” Phew, at least that's all in two days.

“Arraseo, appa. I love you and take care. Bye,” after that, he also bid his good bye and I hung up.

I stood up and went straight to the bathroom to take a cold shower. I wore a gray wide pants and a plain black ⅓ sleeves. I paired it up with a white Gucci handbag and a white Gucci pumps. I let my straight hair fall naturally as I put just a lip stick and mascara.

It's already 9:52 am. I should arrive there maybe by 10:30? I didn't even take breakfast because it will just consume time.

I locked the doors of my apartment and started to walk to the parking lot.

While walking, I heard a bark. A small bark to be exact.

“Arf! Arf!” Then I felt a dog pushing his body to my gray wide pants.

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