The Pirate's Angel

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Dying by your side, what a heavenly way to dieGuess that guy's line was rightBet he never thought it'd see real lifeWe are in the middle of a fucked up crazy designSo stand by my sideYeah, stand by my side

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Dying by your side, what a heavenly way to die
Guess that guy's line was right
Bet he never thought it'd see real life
We are in the middle of a fucked up crazy design
So stand by my side
Yeah, stand by my side

Falling Skies - Yungblud

Third POV.

Astrid woke to two sets of voices surrounding her tired body. Before she had the chance to wake up fully, she noticed that someone was running their hand through her blonde locks. This caused a small sigh of satisfaction to leave her chapped lips. When the action stopped, she opened her eyes to David and Mary Margaret looking at her. 

Flashes of what happened, causing a small whimper to leave her body, eyes welling up with tears again. Growing up to be a confident girl had it's plusses, but sometimes she let the little voice in her head tell her that she's an abomination, a monster. Of course she knew this wasn't true, her father drilled it into her head after she made her first kill, she was not a monster.

"I'm s-sorry. I wasn't going to hurt them, I was just trying to protect the women from that man with the blue eyes. I wasn't gonna hurt her, I just tried to help." She whimpered helplessly. This cause David to smile at her, and give her a bear hug. He just whispered small reassurances in her ear, trying to calm her down. It did, slowly but surely. She relaxed in his hug, and inhaled. He smelt of pine, clean clothes and a muskiness that is something only men can have. It reminded her of her dad.

"Hey, it alright Astrid, we aren't blaming you, if anything, it was rather heroic of you to help someone you didn't know." Mary Margaret spoke with care and wonder. Astrid smiled. While doing this, she didn't notice David leave her, only noticing when he handed her a book. "Read this 'Strid, once you have we'll talk."

Curiously, she opened the book to see the title 'Once Upon A Time', then she began to read. She quickly noticed that the book was fairy-tale related, but it had a twist. Like how Snow White was a thief, or that prince Charming was planning on getting married before meeting Snow. She rather liked this version, it was better than the original stories. It was more twisted, more darker.

As she continued to read, she couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two people in front of her and the couple in the book, but didn't question it till the end. Astrid was known for her fast reading skills, so it wasn't a shock when she finished the whole thing in under three hours. And when she did, she went to speak to the couple, the latter leaving a few minutes after giving her the book. When arriving at the diner, she noticed the couple in a booth, so she entered and moved to them. Ignoring the stares from the other people in the small diner.

"I read it." Her smooth voice broke the couple up from their loving stares, and small smiles. David cleared his throat, and motioned for her to sit down, she complied quickly. "Why did I need to read it? I mean I really enjoyed it, I liked the different take on the original fairy-tale." She rambled, only stopping when the couple shared smiles.

"Well, that story tells our lives. Our home and our family. It shows everything, even how we ended up in Storybrooke." David said, waiting for the young girl to laugh, to say that he's a liar. But the laugh never came, she only looked at them with awe. Maybe she was insane?

"Oh my god, that's so cool. Who would have thought that I, Astrid Mikaelson, would be sitting in front of two of the most iconic fairy-tale characters? Not me." At the end of her sentence she started laughing, she was starstruck. When calming down, she noticed the couple sharing an odd look. At this, Astrid carried on. "How can I not believe you? My whole family are supernatural creatures. My mother died because of an evil spirit trying to kill me and my sister. My whole life has been filled with weirdness, it's not a shock that I managed to end up in another town filled with strange people. It's very cool." Astrid excitedly spoke, trying to prove that she wasn't insane. The couple just laughed and smiled, deciding that they would ask more about her life when there were more of their family around.

"So, who were the people I saved before?" Astrid questioned. The couple began to tell her which character was who. At the end, Astrid was a little dazed but she was happy. And before they could continue their conversation, Emma came to the small group and told her parents about something happening at the town line. This caused the couple to get up, but David grabbed Astrid's wrist lightly, telling Emma that he was going to bring the small girl with them. Emma just sighed, knowing she would find out about her later.

As the group of four, approached the group of people, Astrid quickly toke note of the car in the tree. Emma quickly stopped that car and the all quickly piled out. Emma, David and Mary Margaret ran to the car. While Astrid walked to the man on the floor. As she got closer, she noticed that it was the man she pinned down earlier that day. Then she walked to him, and looked down at his bruised face.

"Hey there, Beautiful. I'm glad someone noticed." Hook spoke, grinning slightly at the sight at her youthful face. She truly was beautiful. Astrid just blushed and knelt down. Putting her hand lightly on his chest, only to get a groan in return. His face crunching up in pain.

"I'm sorry, I was just checking to see if anything was broken, I think your ribs are broken." She spoke quietly, trying not to get the others attention.

"That must be why it hurts when I laugh. Did you see his face? His one true love gone in an instant! Just like Milah, crocodile when you took her from me!" Hook spoke, trying to get up. Trying to see the heartbreak on his old enemies face. Hoping to witness the utter defeat on the man's face, just like he experienced all those years ago.

 Gold hears this and walks over to them. He raises his cane while he speaks. "But you took her first." He hits Hook in the chest, trying to get out some of his pent up rage. Hook just groans in response.

"Gold, are you insane?" Emma shouts, all while Astrid tried to help the male beneath her calm down.

"Yes, I am!" Gold shouted, then proceeded to cover the mans windpipe. Astrid couldn't deal with the shouting, so she did a small wave of her hand that pushed the older man away from the hurt man. This caused everyone to gasp in shock, but before anyone could question what happened David told Gold that he cant do this. Gold simply said he could, but Astrid's attention was quickly on the man on the ground, he looked in pain. Astrid tried to calm him down, by asking for his name.

"Killian Jones, or more commonly known as Captain Hook. It looks like you've heard of me from that starstruck look on your beautiful face." Hook goes to chuckle but stops when he groans in pain. "So, love, a beautiful maiden like yourself must have a equally beautiful name, what is it?" Hook asks. Astrid replies with "Astrid Mikaelson, at your service." She then giggles at her own silliness, Killian looks starstruck. Before he can continue his flirting, sirens interrupt their conversation.

"No! Him! Take care of him. He can wait." Emma points to the strangers car. Her mother and Belle question what she means, they seem puzzled at her choice of words.

"There's someone in there." Emma states, as it wasn't obvious what she meant. At this point people started to disperse, starting to talk to the paramedics and such. This caused Astrid to look down at the man again, truly noticing how terrible he looks. That was when an idea popped into her head, she had saw her Aunt Freya to healing magic before, so why cant she? So she raised her hands above Killian's stomach, earning a confused look from said man. But Astrid concentrated on her magic, trying to remember the spell. Once remembered, she started to chant. 

Her magic covered his stomach area, her magic was cool and light. It was like there were thousand of feather - like touches covering his body. It was very soothing. And when her hands touched his bare chest, he smirked, thinking of many things to say, but was interrupted when a sharp pain struck his chest. And just as it came, it was gone, only leaving a great relief of no pain when he breathed in and out. "You are an angel, love." He spoke with admiration. Only noticing everyone watching what the girl was doing. Killian smirked at the sight of everyone's shock. Before he could say anything David came and took her away.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now