Chapter 16

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Third POV.

Astrid moved slightly, feeling someone touching her cheek. Using her hand to push it away she said "Hope stop, let me sleep. You monster." Astrid playfully spoke, while dozing off again. Only to hear a deep chuckle that came from underneath her. Quickly she opened her eyes, and realised that she was on top of Killian, nuzzling into his neck. Rolling her eyes, she snuggled back into him and tried to go back to sleep. Only to jolt up, "Henry. Lets go guys!" But she looked around and saw the looks she was getting from the group. 

After getting off Killian, reluctantly, she was informed that Emma got a map from Peter Pan - she had to hold back her squeal - to find Henry.

Sitting next to Killian again, she decided not to speak. She was in a mood which made her quiet, and a very goo listener. So while her camp mates, were arguing about whether Regina should use magic to help with the map or not. Th only reason thy were considering this was because Emma had to admit what she wa. But after saying a few things, nothing happened. Therefore, Regina's idea was put out there.

After finally doing the spell, the map floated in the air and began leading them to Henry's location. "Careful. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon." Astrid shook her head. "I've met plenty of demons in my life - surely he can't be that bad." Killian just shook his head gently and grabbed her arm.

"Be careful, love." His concern was burning bright in his eyes and tone, she could see how tense he was. His forehead crinkled and his lips pursed in a thin line. Nodding, Astrid smiled reassuringly at the man. He let out a breath of relief, but didn't let go of her arm.

"No one's here. Maybe your spell was wrong, Regina." Mary Margaret spoke in disappointment.

"Yes. Blame me...again." 

"Guys...Hold on. Is that...Henry!" It wasn't Henry. When the person turned around, it was a boy wearing similar clothes to Henry. And Astrid deduced it was Pan after hearing Emma's shocked gasp, and Killian's sharp intake of breath.

"Hi, Emma." His voice was smooth and mischievous. his eyes showed evil and anger. 

"Where the hell is Henry?"

"You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expect more from you, Captain."  Astrid let out a snort of anger, her body beginning to shake with rage. How DARE he hide her little man, and have the audacity to speak to Killian like that.

"Aye, and you'll get it." Killian spoke, all the while trying to calm Astrid down. Pan caught this, his eyes grew bright with mischief and malicious intent.

"Give Henry to me." Emma demanded, while Astrid growled at the boy, her eyes turning gold with her rage.

"Sorry. Can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win." Pan's lost boys come out of the trees, whooping and hollering. Their bows filled with arrows pointed at their group. 

"Watch out for their arrows. They're laced with dreamshade." Killian informed the group, everyone nodded. That's when they began shooting, Astrid started muttering spells, knocking some of the boys out - she didn't want to kill them. But when an arrow was shot to Mary Margaret, she snarled in rage and decided it was time for her to shift. Not even bothering to change from her clothes, she allowed her bones to start breaking allowing her to become the beast she needs to be.

After transforming, she stood at Killian's back, jumping on people who got to close to her and to him. Or dashing off and attacking the people who were trying to hurt her family. After preventing her family from getting hurt, Pan whistled and the remaining lost boys assembled by his side. "Remember what I told you. That map will show you where Henry is...only when you stop denying who you really are. I'll make sure to send Henry your regards." With that the disappeared.

Astrid calming down, transformed back. After a few moments of bones breaking she stood up and looked around. Catching Killian's eye he smiled at her, then they widened and travelled down her body. Quickly he ran to her and covered her with his leather coat. Confused, she looked down and realised something. She was naked, and didn't have any spare clothes on her. Shouting in shock, everyone turned to look at her. Killian quickly stood in front of her, protecting her privacy. Blushing bright red she peaked over his shoulder and said quickly "I'm g-gonna shift back. When we find a place to which has clothes there, get me them." She quickly gave Killian's coat back to him and began her transformation again. All the while, Killian in front of her protecting her modesty. After shifting, she walked out in front of him, David walked over to her and patted her head. Chuckling at her stupidness, she whimpered in embarrassment and shook her head. Trotting to stand next to Killian, everyone stood for a few moments and slowly began walking again, pretending that they never saw the beautiful girl naked.

Going back to their camp, Regina magicked the girl some clothes. Nodding her head in appreciation, she gathered the clothes in her teeth and walked behind a tree. Shifting quite quickly, the girl put on the outfit Regina got her. A plain white top, some black jeans and a pair of Vans. Plus some underwear. Nodding in appreciation, she quickly got changed and charged at Killian. She didn't want to see the others, she was too embarrassed. Hiding her face in the side of his chest, she calmed down. 

"Well, love, usually I love seeing a girl bare. Todays show was quite a shock." Feeling her face heat up, she hit his chest and curled into him more. He just chuckled an wrapped and arm around her, "I must say, it was a beautiful sight." She hit him again, and closed her eyes. Slowly drifting off, not even realising that one of people she loves is slowly dying.

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