Chapter 14

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Third POV.

"Prepare for attack!" The loud bellow from Hook is what captured her attention, she realised that the Jolly Roger was out of control. Confused, she looked towards the pirate "If you've got a weapon, then grab it." He spoke to everyone, but it was mostly towards the blonde haired beauty that was coming towards him. Before she could do anything, Hook and herself were thrown against a wall. Her small body landing on his, eliciting a groan from the man. She squeaked out a sorry, and helped the man up to his feet. After finding out the things attacking the ship were in fact Mermaids, she realised that her childhood stories will never be looked at the same.

Astrid wasn't the only one having a hard time grasping the idea of Mermaids were evil, Emma blurted out in confusion "Mermaids?"

"Yes, and they're quite unpleasant." He nodded grimly. Astrid grew pale, finally grasping the idea that the things she loved as a child, were attacking them. She could only hope that Ariel wasn't evil; that's if she was even real. This realm seemed to love the idea of throwing her belief out the window.

"You think?" Regina's sarcasm was not needed, Astrid concluded.

"I'll try and outrun them."

"How many of these things are there?" Astrid hysterically spoke, a few moments away from snapping her own neck, she was that frustrated.

"I will not be capsized by fish!" David the known hero, grabbed a spear, chain and gun powder. Astrid watched him carefully, only to realised he was going to shoot them. Astrid yelled encouraging words to, she was quite excited to see how this would work.

"What are you doing?"

"Fishing!" David lights and fires the cannon, while Emma and Mary Margaret throw a fishing net into the ocean. Astrid laughs in glee, rather enjoying the small pun that came from Mary Margaret's mouth. "We caught one!"

"One? There are dozens of them." David fires the cannon another time. "Enough of this." Regina creates three fireballs and throws them at the mermaids. They scatter, making annoying hissing sounds. "There, they're gone." she spoke in confidence

"Not all of them. What about that one?" Regina teleports it onto the Jolly Roger. She groans in response.

Frustrated with the fish being on the ship, she walks over to Killian, and listens to their argument. Astrid was being silent, and looking around, looking down at the angry Sea. Its inhabitants were missing their sister. A shrill sound is what caused her attention to snap over to the mermaid with the horn. Telling them that it was her warning, if they didn't put her back they would die. Astrid snorted at her annoying confidence.

Ignoring what her family was saying, she grabbed the wheel of the Jolly Roger and allowed Killian to walk over to the group. Strange enough, her father loved boats and taught her a lot about them, even how to control them. Now she was putting what she learnt into theory - she did not want to destroy her pirate's beloved ship.

After watching the group argue, Astrid watched Regina turn the mermaid into wood. She got a flashback of Pinocchio and chortled slightly. But her amusement disappeared instantly, she was soaked from the large wave that went into the ship. Shouting in frustration "What the fuck?"

Hook walked over to her again, and helped her keeping control of the helm. Momentarily distracted by the sight of him wet and hot. She found him very attractive at that moment. Even more than usual. Noticing her ogling him, he smirked at her quickly and joined back in the argument.

"Hey. Let the slags go. I need you at the mast." Killian spoke while nodding his head to Mary Margaret and Regina.

"Don't call my wife a slag." David was disgusted by the slur, and Astrid was annoyed by his choice of words. But before she could scold him, David jumped at him and they began to fight. After a few moments of watching them fight, she was enjoying the sight, she decided it was time to break them up. "Guys, it' ti-" She was cut off by getting an elbow to the face. Hearing her nose crunch, Killian jumped on David, saying he was going to kill the man. How dare he hurt the girl, he was fuming. However their fight was brought to a standstill when Emma jumped into the sea. "Is she an idiot?" Astrid shouted, cheeks flushed, while running to where she jumped off. Killian and David following her.

Sighing in frustration, she grabs a rope and ties it around her small waste. After handing the end of the rope to Killian, earning a look of confusion which lbrought on realisation. "Don't let go!" Before anyone could do anything, she jumped over the edge and dived into the waters, and grabbed Emma, requesting for them to pull her out.

While pulling them up, Killian couldn't help but chuckle and say "Now that is a woman, she is someone I would follow forever." He smiled while pulling them up. When they got on board. Emma was dropped to the floor, and Astrid shook off excess water. Which caught the eye of Killian, she smiled at him and turned her attention to the blonde on the deck. Astrid smiled at her and helped her to her feet. Then looked around an realised that the storm has ended.

But the storm was still there. In all of their hearts, battling and surging. Creating turmoil within their souls. 

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