Paul McCartney - Best Mate

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"I don't understand why you're being like this."

"Like what? Caring about you? Paul, you know I take no issue with the lighter stuff but all that will fuck you up. It's not like pot." You stress, your hands wave around as you shout at the careless man in front of you. This had been going on for some time.

Paul puts his hand to his forehead. You love your fiancé. He was stupid. But you loved your stupid fiancé and didn't want to see him go down that road. This was a step up from everything else he'd done and with the all those famous people dying of overdoses, you couldn't support it. And you certainly wouldn't have children with him if he didn't plan to stay alive for it. Your arguments usually happened at home and they were rare but today, the argument was at the studio for all to hear.

"I don't see the issue. It isn't like I'm asking you to do it." He sighs and turns to walk away. Paul was always extremely calm in arguments, perhaps that's why got so many people more annoyed with him when he argued with them.

"Paul." You almost pleaded but your voice was surprisingly very film.

"(Y/N), I've got work to do. We'll talk later." He waved you off, completely dismissing your concern anymore.

"Would you just listen to me? I'm the one around you when you're in that state, I feel the effects too. And I'm worried about you. I love you so much and I do-"

"Well maybe that is the problem! Maybe you're the problem and thats why I do it. It's all you've done this past week. I don't even like being around you recently because you always ask if I'm high or you talk about the damn wedding. Every day this week has been 'When shall we set the date for?' or 'Is your brother going to be best man?'. I don't know! I don't want to think about it every second of every day." He seethed at you.

You folded your arms in an attempt to look angry and not hurt. Well maybe it was because you wanted to marry him. But could you now? Knowing that he didn't even like the idea of a wedding. It wasn't all you talked about. But you'd been engaged for three years, you just wanted an idea of when... God, why would you need to justify wanting to marry your fiancé?

"That's because I'm excited to marry you. If I'm really so insufferable, why are you with me?"

It was like you were daring him. 'Go on then, end it. Give me a reason to walk out of here and never come back.' He didn't answer. He didn't even try to answer. And sometimes that's enough.

"Ooh, sorry Macca." John Lennon walked into the room suddenly and, sensing the tension, he spoke before he'd assessed the situation. That was often the case with John. After a second of silence and with him taking note of your hurt expression, he spoke up again. "Ya'alright (Y/N)?"

John wasn't your absolute favourite person in the world. He was a bit obnoxious and sometimes selfish but despite that, you got on quite well, had a mutual respect for each other and he was an incredibly funny man. It took him a while to warm to you but once he realised you weren't going anywhere, he was more than happy to welcome you. It just took a while and you hadn't forgotten that to this day.

"Yeah, Lennon, just leavin'." You turn on your heel to walk out the door that the other Beatle had just entered through.

"(Y/N), I di-"

You stop and whip around to stare at the man you loved. That man that was supposed to love you. It was hard to look at Paul, as he stood there, looking calm as ever. You wanted him to be worried about losing you. But he just wasn't and that hurt.

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