Chapter 26: Burnt Sienna is the Color of My Anger

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"Anger doesn't solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything." ~Unknown

Theo's POV
When Toby and I get to Hazel she's screaming. There's blood all over, so much blood. She's barely awake, her eyes half-lidded against the sun. Her palms are blood coated, fingernails stained green from clawing at the grass.

It was a good thing that the woman called the paramedics in addition to Toby and I. They have to sedate Hazel before getting her into the ambulance, and Toby runs a hand along the back of his neck. I squint my eyes against the sun, a bright, blistering star in the sky.

I can hear the ringing as he puts his phone to his ear. There are two reactions from both his mother and father. His mother is who answers first, her voice high and tense.

"What do you mean she ran away?" Her voice is worried, clotted with tears. She rushes to the hospital before the ambulance even leaves the street we're on. That fear of losing her daughter is too much.

Her father, on the other hand, sounds calm.

"She'll be okay. She's our Hazel. She's going to be fine." The only hint of worry I get is from the slight increase in his tone. I've heard that tone before. My mother has used it one too many times.

Toby sighs, leaving the phone to rest by his hip. He's clenching it as hard as he can, and I'm not surprised if he cracks it.

He starts to walk toward the Jeep, eyes tear-filled and sad.

"Hey. You need to tell me what went on when she went to talk to you. Maybe I could-" Toby turns to face me, blue eyes flaming. We stand almost at eye level, but he seems taller in a way. Like he's dangling something over me.

"I don't need to explain anything. What we both need to do right now is hop in the Jeep and get to the hospital as fast as we can." I take a breath. This isn't going to be easy.

"We need to sort things out first. Hazel won't be happy to see you, and she probably won't be happy seeing me." He narrows his eyes, and I can feel the anger radiating off of him in waves. I take a step back.

"What do you mean, not happy to see either of us?" I put my hands up, a gesture of peace. I try to keep calm as he closes the distance between us, fists raised.

"I mean that whatever you said to her made her run away. We need to keep level heads about this." He chuckles, but it sounds dark.

"You can't seem to keep either of yours in check, Theo, so why should I listen to you?" I know that he just wants to see his sister, but I want to see her too. It brought me pain to see her like that, not knowing what to do.

I feel the anger toward her brother, and I don't intend to hold back. So much for Southern charm right now.

"It is Hell right now for me to stand here and let you say those things, especially when you know that you're sister is so important to me. I can't believe that after all this time, you still don't believe that I have good intentions for Hazel. You just don't seem to give a damn."

He's snorts at that, turning his head to look at me.

"I've heard many things about you, Beckett. I'm not going to let you ruin my sister because of your addiction to booze and cigarettes, not to mention brands that never go away. I'm not letting you brand my sister in any way."

This time it's me closing the distance. My voice trembles as I speak.

"Watch what you say about me. You don't know who I am." He takes another step closer to me, jabbing a finger in my face.

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