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"Hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the light of the moon." ~Edward Lear

*Listen to "Be Still" by The Fray

Theo's POV

It's okay to be afraid, especially since I'm going to be the one making a fool of myself. I shake my limbs, trying to get the courage to do this.

I've been at college for almost a year, and Hazel still loves me. She's almost through with her senior year, and she's getting so much better. She's showing more emotion, and she's expressing those feelings.

It still makes me wary. It's been a long time since she's had an episode, but you never know. I'm waiting for the day when I won't be enough for her. When that day comes, she'll see, and she'll decide what she wants to do.

For now though, I'm revelling in every moment, loving this feeling. Loving the way that one person can make me feel so full and light.

Before, all I had was darkness, and I still do. Now, I have someone to share that darkness with. I don't have to be so alone.

I'm driving to see her on one of her last days of school. I know that she has no trouble with testing, but I know that she's been stressed. She needs someone to take her away from it all.

Hazel also drove all the way to State College to see me. I didn't know that she had it in her. She also faced my roommate and all of his drunken friends. She's made me one proud boyfriend.

A part of me wonders if she already has gotten bored with me, and has been secretly dating someone else, but that's just me. I've always been the type to be afraid of something like that.

Especially since Hazel knows my past.

I take deep breaths, my fingers clenching and unclenching on the wheel. I've driven thousands of times before, but this time seems more important than all of the others.

I feel more out of focus driving now than when I did when I was impaired, and that's saying a lot. I've been wasted too many times to count.

I listen to Mick Jagger, listen to the lyrics that he croons. Hazel and I love the Rolling Stones. In fact, one of the things I love about her is that she listens to the older music. I've never heard her listen to a song from the twenty-first century.

I can hardly wait to see her, but, I also don't want to face Toby. He's home for the weekend too, and that makes my stomach clench. I want to spend time with my girlfriend, not her overbearing older brother.

When her house comes into view I can't help but laugh.

One of the first things Hazel told me when I was away was that I'll remember the color of her house. I've always thought that it was a normal color, but Hazel calls it peanut. That's the color of her house. It makes me laugh every time she says it.

I see Toby's car, and I frown.

I look up to her window, and see those two different colored eyes peering out. One bright blue, the other a pretty amber color.

They widen when they see me, and the swish of the curtain tells me that she's already on her way down to the entrance of the house. I can imagine Toby waiting in the kitchen, and I shudder. I make a mental note to avoid him at all costs.

I make it a game with her. I open the car door as fast as I can and sprint to the door. I can feel the hard beating of my heart, and it isn't from the extra cardio. I've missed this feeling of home.

She beats me to the door, and her fringe of dirty blond hair covers her face. I tell myself that I let her win every time, but I know that she's faster than me. When it comes to seeing me, she's always faster.

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