Ch.6 Awkward

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So far the five hour drive had been silent, only the occasional cough that came from me. I didn't know if I had my expectations too high or if I was just stressed from the last forty eight hours. But the silence was awkward and the car felt like it was getting smaller by the mile. It almost felt like this was an arranged marriage and I was the bride, who barely knew her husband and was forced to move into his mansion after the wedding. I knew that wasn't the current situation I was in, yet that's kind of how I felt. But this was my choice and I wasn't one to change her mind so quickly.

After the almost kiss is where the awkwardness started. I hoped I hadn't hurt his feeling by what I said, but it had been the truth. I was human, born a human, grew up as a human and would die as a human. That meaning I wanted to continue living as a human, like I had before. I never expected to have a mate or be the mate of someone else and it wasn't something I really wanted either. I wasn't against it or anything, I just believed falling in love was more than sudden love for a person. And meeting Remy wouldn't change my beliefs! Falling in love with him might be easier and the process faster but I wouldn't just jump in his arms after two days and he needed to know that.

I also woundn't push his feeling aside. He as a supernatural felt the mate bond, stronger and probably more so, sense he was in fact the hybrid. He hadn't seemed totally thrown off by my statement of waiting and I think he was ready to find a compromise. Remy did say we would go on dates and he would answer all my questions I had about him. And god damn were there a lot. I wanted to know so much about him, like why was he in Miami? Where did he live?

"Remy, you never mentioned where we are going?" My voice was dry from my throat being a bit sore. I twisted my body towards the backseat, before retrieving my purse with my bottle of water in it.

"Our destination is Maui but you need to rest, so we are stopping once were in Mississippi and from there I think I could arrange some plane tickets for us to fly the rest of the way." He explained, his blue eyes focused on the road.

Maui was literally across the united states and an island at that. Why did he live on a tropical island? Didn't he need some kind of forest for his wolf to run free? At least Remy didn't live in Europe like I previously thought. I was grateful we would by flying after Mississippi, I really wasn't feeling too good to be driving the whole day in the car.

"Sounds good." I agreed, leaning my head back and shutting my eyes. "You never actually got to tell me how you know that I'm getting sick or whatever."

I heard Remy chuckle lightly before he spoke. "I'm not even sure myself. I can sense it, plus your body temperature has risen a little since last night."

"I don't get it. Haven't you experienced something like this before?"

"Not exactly. I know when the temperature drops or rises but I've never predicted someone getting sick or anything like the situation with you." Remy explained, sounding a bit unsure his self.

It was definitely weird and most likely had to do something with the mate bond. My throat was dry as I started to cough. I gulped down some more water before mumbling 'sorry'.

"Do you want to stop at the nearest pharmacy and get you some cold medicine or will you be good for another hour or two?" Remy questioned, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes and then looking back to the road again.

"I'll be fine. I just need a hour of sleep." I convinced him, afterwards getting more comfortable in the seat before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.


I heard quiet voices in the background pulling me out of my sleeping state. I opened my eyes, to be greeted with what looks to be a hotel room. Leaning up in the surprisingly comfortable bed, I searched the bed side tables for a lamp. After flicking on the odd looking lamp, I let my eyes adjust to the new found light for a moment. I glanced over at the digital alarm clock, to see that it is almost five in the afternoon. I couldn't believe I had slept nearly the whole afternoon. Seconds later it dawned on me that Remy must have carried me out of the car and into the hotel. God, that's embarrassing! I could only imagine how we looked.

I hurriedly walked to the large mirror, hung up on the white wall. I had to admit, from what I could tell the room must have been expensive. With white painted walls, a king sized bed and the red and black interior it couldn't have been cheap.

As I was putting my hair into a high ponytail, the voices I previously heard got louder. The loudest one belonged to Remy and the other one sounded pretty high and female. I quickly finished my ponytail before tip toeing to the door that was left a jar. I was curious to who Remy was talking to. I stuck my head through the crack, to see Remy sprawled out on the couch with his phone in his hand. I could see a small girls face displayed on his phone screen. He was video calling the young girl. I couldn't make out what she was saying but she seemed sad. I was about to make my presence known when Remy spoke words that literally made my heart stop.

"Will you be good for mommy and daddy and take your medicine. I'll be home really soon. I love you."


Well that's the chapter! Genevieve is in for a surprise. Not everything is always rainbows and jellybeans! 😏Anyways, I wanted to thank you guys for voting, commenting and following. ❤️💕It means so much to me.

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