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Minho's POV

"Wait.. WHAT?!" I screamed.

"So you're telling me, that you've been in the same vicinity as me, for over TWO MONTHS, and I didn't notice?" I was dumbfounded.

How could my best friend be, probably only two classes away from me, probably crossed paths once, and I didn't even... notice?

"I uh...uhm.. wanted to confront you before... instead of you finding out yourself." Hyunjin looked down.

"Damn how much dumber can I be?" I shook my head to see if I was even in reality.

"Hey, I mean at least we can still see each other more often now, right?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!!"

Hyunjin gave me a "what did u just say?!" look.

"Oh um I mean.. Oh Yeah!!" I nervously giggled.

"Sorry I forgot there's no swearing in the house." I whispered.

"It's ok, my parents aren't home currently." Hyunjin reassured.

"By the way, do you think I could eat lunch with you tomorrow? My friend is moving schools so...yeah" He asked.

"Of course! And plus, they'd be glad to see you again."

There was another pause, but this time it wasn't awkward. It was more...comfortable. Just the two of us, lying on our backs on Hyunjin's bed. Staring at the ceiling, thinking about nothing.

"Hey, so anyways do you still watch anime?" Hyunjins voice spoke up.

"Oh my god.. OF COURSE?!?"

The rest of the day was kinda like that. A lot of talking, catching up on things each other missed, school, and wayyyy more talking.

One thing new about Hyunjin, was that he liked dancing. Neither of us thought that we would enjoy it, back then, but soon enough we realized that it was something we were passionate about. I suggested that join a dance club together.

I turned and looked at my watch. 9:46pm it read.

"Oh damn it's late, I should get going now." I said.

"Oh ok! See you tomorrow!" Hyunjin smiled at me as I walked out the door.

It's nice to have him back.

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