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Felix's POV

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell just rang and frankly, I don't know whether to be excited or nervous.

"Hey Lix, you ready to go?" A voice called disrupting my ongoing thoughts.

"Oh yeah sure Seungmin." I replied.

I grabbed my bag and met Seungmin across the class.

"You look... nervous today. Everything alright?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it's just the audition.. you know? Like I'm excited, but I keep on thinking I'm not gonna make it." I laughed off.

"Don't worry Lix, you will do great! And if Jyp doesn't accept you, he better be ready to catch these hands." Seungmin made a determined face and started punching the air.

"BYE LIX! BYE MIN!" Jisung shouted as he ran out of the classroom almost slamming into the opened door.

"Bye.. Jisung?" We waved.

"That was.. weird." Seungmin commented, "How did he even manage to almost crash into an opened door?"

"Well that's Jisung for you." I sighed.

And we were off to go to JYP Entertainment.


Jisung's POV

*Chan changed the groupchat name to Sriracha Sauce 🔥*

When are y'all coming

I'm on my way
Don't u know how hard t is to rub and texts

I'll try my best to ignore what u just said

Well hurry up I'm in the first floor washroom to the right waiting for your slow asses

Ok sure

Hey chan do u have our stuff ready?
I saw Felix and seungmin on my way out

Oh shit

Better think of smth fast cuz we coming


I decided to turn off my phone as I was only a block away from the building.

To be honest I kinda expected to be there before Changbin, but the results say the opposite.

"Ji you're so late." Changbin exclaimed.

"So late my ass." I rolled my eyes, "Anyways Chan, about that costume problem."

"Right.... I didn't bring anything but WHY ARE YOU WEARING SUCH A BRIGHT PURPLE JISUNG!" Chan yelled.

"Maybe cuz I thought someone was gonna bring clothes for me to change into." I retorted.

"Oh my god quit it guys." Changbin sighed, "Ji do u have any extra clothes that u can change into?"

"Oh yeah for sure. Lemme just pull stuff out of my bag." I went searching for the three tee-shirts I had left with me.

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