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how tf is my story doing so well in the rankings?!?!

iTs nOt eVeN tHaT gOoD?!?!?

Hyunjin's POV

I was sitting next to Seungmin, ranting on and on about Minho, hoping that our plan would go accordingly.

"Maybe they're right Minnie. Maybe Minho just is having a really bad whole fucking week and it's just because of me. Because IM THE ONE WHO ALWAYS RUINS EVERYTHING!" I shouted.

I saw Seungmin wince at my words, and slowly slouched back down, not wanting to scare the poor boy anymore.

"What ever it is Jinnie, it'll all pass soon. Minho's a really nice guy, you know it!" Seungmin comforted.

Just then a loud voice came from outside the room, "DINNER'S READY."

"gAsPS, you called Minho niCe?!?!?" I teased, standing up, making my way towards the kitchen.

"How the heck did you just say gasps outloud-" Seungmin's words trailed off as soon as he saw Minho glaring at me.

"Oh ok never mind then..." He whispered quietly.

At this time I felt really bad, we were basically taking advantage of him. To be fair it isn't for a bad thing anyways, it's a surprise! And surprises are meant to be happy.


Dinner was normal, just as we planned. We all had our random conversations that meant nothing. As soon as I would talk however, Minho would flare at me, the other members slowly catching on to this unusual event.

Our conversations carried on, with the exception of the members glancing back and forth between Minho and I.

"Hahaha maybe that's why it's called a bee!" I joked.

"Haha yeah well maybe you should shut up." Minho sarcastically rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair.

Everybody went wide-eyes as he walked to put his plate into the sink.

"Oh yeah. Thanks Woojin for the food." He mumbled, walking towards the living room, plopping himself onto the couch.

After that, the dinner table was quiet, not like usual at all. There was the occasional joke brought up by Felix it Jisung, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Thanks for dinner Woojin! It was nice." I smiled, and headed towards where Seungmin was. Finding him in his room looking confused.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm probably just over thinking things." He replied.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"Well you know, just our group in general. If this whole 'fight' is actually real and would effect our friendships. I've been so attached to you all that-"

I stopped him with a soft kiss on the lips, followed by a hug to calm him down.

"Don't worry ok? Everything will be fine. It's just a phase." I reassured.

He's too precious for this world. He doesn't even know this is a prank! But just wait, when the news breaks to him that it's a prank, he'd be out here beating my ass like my own mother.

omg i'm dragging this plot out for so long i didn't even realize it oh god

also idk why i added that last paragraph in. especially that last sentence. whoops

**in the next 2 chapters you'll find out what minho + hyunjin's been hiding thooo


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